Decision details

Place Based Working in Rochdale Borough: Next Steps

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


This report provides details of the progress made by the “Place Based Working “integrated team since the Kirkholt Pilot. The report focuses on a second phase of place based working, which is part of a Greater Manchester Public Service Reform project. As part of the Greater Manchester Place workstream, all 10 local authority areas are expected to develop and deliver a place based “Early Adopter” site. This report sets out the options.


The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Neighbourhoods providing details of the progress made by the “Place Based Working“ integrated team since the Making a Difference Kirkholt Pilot, and requesting identification of an Early Adopter site along with approval of the adoption of a proposed work plan and approach to the project.


Following the Kirkholt Pilot the report detailed a second phase of place based working, which is part of a Greater Manchester Public Service Reform project.  As part of the Greater Manchester Place workstream, all 10 local authority areas are expected to develop and deliver a place based “Early Adopter” site to commence in November 2016.


Alternatives considered: Members were asked to consider the results of the Kirkholt Pilot and identified another area for implementation of the proposed work plan.


DECIDED – That (1) the progress of the integrated team within the Kirkholt Pilot be noted;

(2) the adoption of a “way of working” approach be approved;

(3) the location of an Early Adopter site in the neighbourhood of College Bank and Lower Falinge, be approved; 

(4) the preparation of a “Local Implementation Plan” which will support an application for funding from the Greater Manchester Place workstream, be noted;

(5) the Council’s Chief Executive will present a paper outlining  the Council’s approach and progress at the Greater Manchester Public Service Reform Board, be noted.

Report author: Helen Chicot

Publication date: 22/07/2016

Date of decision: 11/07/2016

Decided at meeting: 11/07/2016 - Cabinet

Effective from: 29/07/2016

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