Decision details

Q2 23/24 Finance Update

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To update members on Q2 Financial Position of council



Consideration was given to a report of the Cabinet Member for Finance and Corporate / Director of Corporate Services that set out the Council’s forecast 2023/24 financial position as at the end of September 2023.




1.    That the forecast 2023/24 financial positions for Revenue, Capital, and the Collection Fund as at the end of September 2023, as detailed in section 5 of the report, be noted.


2.    That Cabinet noted the £6,870k forecast overspend reported by the Children’s Directorate, and that a recovery plan was being developed that would be reported alongside the Finance Update report.


3.    That the Budget Pressures requests as detailed in section 5.4 of the report be approved and the Chief Finance Officer, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance and Corporate, be authorised to increase the level of Budget Pressures allocated to offset Children’s Services legal costs, if required.


4.    That the update on the Health and Social Care Pooled Budget as detailed in section 5.5 of the report be noted.


5.    That the net Capital budget changes of £11,240k, as detailed in section 5.6.1.of the report be noted.


6.    That the Capital re-phasing of £36,790k into future years detailed in section 5.6 and Appendix B (2) of the report be noted.


7.    That the request to switch capital budgets within Economy, Corporate and Neighbourhoods directorates as detailed in section 5.6.3 of the report be approved.


8.    That the request to switch £972k budget from the Capital Investment Fund to fund a number of schemes within the directorates as detailed in section 5.6.3 of the report be approved.


9.    That the Property Growth Fund update set out in section 5.8 of the report be noted.


10.That the Treasury Management update for Quarter 2 in section 5.9 and Appendix C of the report be noted.


Reason for decision


To provide an update on the financial position of the Council, as effective budget management was critical to ensuring financial resources were spent in line with the budget and were targeted towards the Council’s priorities.



Alternatives considered


Not to consider the Q2 23/24 Finance Update – this option was not recommended as the Council’s financial reporting complied with CIPFA’s Financial Management Code and its standards to ensure management of financial resources in the short, medium and long term, the management of financial resilience to meet unforeseen demands on services and management of unexpected shocks within financial circumstances.



Report author: Owen Brierley

Publication date: 29/11/2023

Date of decision: 28/11/2023

Decided at meeting: 28/11/2023 - Cabinet

Effective from: 07/12/2023

Accompanying Documents: