Issue - meetings

FA (DLA) Review

Meeting: 01/12/2020 - Cabinet (Item 78)

Financial Assessment (DLA) Review

To consider the attached report of the Cabinet Member for Social Care and Ageing Well / Director of Commissioning.


The Board considered the report of the Director of Operations (Adult Social Care) which advised that Service users’ in receipt of Adult Care services are financially assessed to determine if they are required to make a contribution towards their care package. The financial assessment for non-residential care takes into account all the service users income (including any benefits) and compares this to a nationally agreed ‘minimum income guarantee’.  Amounts above the minimum income guarantee will be the contribution / charge the service user will be asked to pay towards their care and support.


The report outlined options for consideration with regard to the potential back dating of charges in line with the Councils Local Charging Policy.


Alternatives considered:

The alternatives were outlined within the submitted report.



1.         That Option 3, no backdating of charges be approved.


Reasons for the decision:

The financial impact on service users would be reduced.

Meeting: 27/10/2020 - Integrated Commissioning Board (Item 59)

Financial Assessment (DLA) Review

To consider the attached report from the Cabinet Member for Social Care and Ageing Well / Director of Commissioning.


The Board considered the report of the Director of Operations (Adult Social Care) which advised that Service users’ in receipt of Adult Care services are financially assessed to determine if they are required to make a contribution towards their care package. The financial assessment for non-residential care takes into account all the service users income (including any benefits) and compares this to a nationally agreed ‘minimum income guarantee’.  Amounts above the minimum income guarantee will be the contribution / charge the service user will be asked to pay towards their care and support.


The report outlined options for consideration with regard to the potential back dating of charges in line with the Councils Local Charging Policy.


Alternatives considered:

The alternatives were outlined within the submitted report.



1.    That Cabinet be informed that the Board supports Option 3, no backdating of charges.


Reasons for the decision:

The Board was asked to express a view on which backdating option it supported relating to the backdating of charges for Adult Care Services. As the Policy was a Council Policy, the decision would be taken by Cabinet.