Agenda and minutes

Venue: Training and Conference Suite, First Floor, Number One Riverside, Smith Street, Rochdale, OL16 1XU. View directions

Contact: Peter Thompson  Senior Committee Services Officer


No. Item



To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Wazir Shah.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 121 KB

Members are requested to approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on

the 10th November 2020.



That the Minutes held on the 10th November be approved as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest

Members are required to declare any disclosable pecuniary, personal or personal and prejudicial interests they may have and the nature of those interests relating to items on this agenda and/or indicate if S106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.   


There were no declarations of interest.


Open Forum


Mr R Parker addressed the Township Committee in relation to the agenda item Draft Lower Falinge Supplementary Planning Document, requesting removal of paragraph 2.1 and amendment to 2.2.  The Chair advised that the Supplementary Planning Document was on the agenda for approval to consult and that these concerns should be raised during the consultation.



An update/presentation on the work that is being carried out in the local community by Link4Life.


The Deputy Chief Executive of Link4Life addressed the Committee updating Members on activities undertaken by Link4Life within the Township and committing to provide further updates at future meetings.



That updates from Link4Life be brought to future meetings of the Township Committee.


Draft Lower Falinge Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) pdf icon PDF 252 KB

To approve the attached report of the Cabinet Member for A Thriving Economy / Director of Economy

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report of the Cabinet Member for A Thriving Economy / Director of Economy seeking approval for consultation for a minimum period of four weeks of the Draft Lower Falinge Supplementary Planning Document and seeking approval for delegation to the Head of Planning to make any final minor amendments to the draft Supplementary Planning Document prior to the commencement of the formal consultation period.


Alternatives considered

To not produce a Supplementary Planning Document could undermine a co-ordinated place making strategy for Lower Falinge; instead having to deal with this via stand-alone planning applications. Proposals for investment and development would have to be considered on a piecemeal basis, rehousing residents within the local area, close to their existing home and the Town Centre, would become challenging, and housing market failure will not be addressed. There was a risk that the opportunity for a significant number of new homes within this area, adjacent to the Town Centre, was not delivered.



1.    That the Draft Lower Falinge Supplementary Planning Document be approved for consultation.

2.    That the Head of Planning be approved to amend the document prior to consultation.


Reason for consultation

Supplementary Planning Documents build upon and provide more detailed advice or guidance on the policies in the Local Plan. Regulations 11 to 16 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 set out the requirements for producing SPDs. Regulation 12 requires that consultation is undertaken prior to the adoption of an SPD.


Cutgate Shopping Precinct Car Park, Edenfield Road, Rochdale pdf icon PDF 182 KB

To consider the attached report of the Cabinet Member for A Thriving Economy/ Director of Economy

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report of the Cabinet Member for A Thriving Economy / Director of Economy consulting the Township Committee on proposals relating to


It was reported that the owners of Cutgate Shopping Centre had proposed releasing the Council from the Deed of Dedication. The implications of terminating the Deed of Dedication were that the Council will would longer face the cost and indemnity liabilities arising from the car park, however would lose control of the way the car park is managed.  As a disposal of the Council’s interest in the property the surrender of the Deed of Dedication could be approved on one of two ways:

·         If all Ward Councillors and Township Chair agree to the disposal, the matter can be determined by the delegated authority of the Portfolio Holder for Finance.

·         If any of the Ward Councillors or Township Chair withhold approval, the matter needs to be determined by Cabinet.


Alternatives considered

Rochdale North Township could decide that the Deed of Dedication remains in place in which case funds will need to be available for annual maintenance to the estimated sum of £5,000 per annum and/or a periodic and larger capital sum. The car park could remain with the Council and future public use would be secured.



That the matter be deferred to Cabinet.


Reason for resolution

The Council has faced the threat of legal action due to the periodic deteriorating condition of the car park. If the Council is unable to identify a dedicated budget for routine maintenance and a periodic capital budget for more extensive works there is a risk of injury or damages as a result of uneven surfaces.