Agenda and minutes

Venue: Middleton Library, Long Street, Middleton M24 1AF

Contact: Alison Leonard  924711

No. Item


Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 27 KB

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Members are also advised to take advice with regard to any matter where there is potential bias or predetermination in any business to be considered at the meeting and whether they should take part in decision making at the meeting.


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Additional documents:


Councillor Boriss declared a personal interest in Planning Application 15/01204/HOUS for a two storey side and rear extension at 12, Tregaer Fold, Middleton, by virtue of his friendship with the applicant. He left the room during consideration of this item taking no part in the discussions or voting on this matter. 


Minutes pdf icon PDF 77 KB

To consider the minutes of the meeting of the Middleton Township Planning Sub-Committee held on 17th December 2016.


DECIDED – that the minutes of the meeting of the Middleton Township Planning Sub-Committee held on 17th December 2015 be approved as a correct record.



Conversion of a Former Children's Centre to 8 Self-Contained Flats at the Milton Street Family And Children Centre, Milton Street, Middleton


The Director of Economy and Environment reported on submitted planning application 15/00036/FUL for the conversion of a former children’s centre to 8 self-contained flats (use class C3) including demolition of rear shed, shelter and single storey outrigger, the formation of 12 car parking spaces and outdoor amenity area to rear of building, and alterations to ground floor windows on east facing (rear) elevation of building (Resubmission of 14/00821/FUL) at the Milton Street Family And Children Centre, Milton Street, Middleton, M24 5TU


In introducing the report the Planning Officer advised the Sub-Committee of an additional letter of objection that had been received since the publication of the submitted report.


The Sub-Committee considered the views of Mrs Cunningham and Mr McElroy who addressed the Sub-Committee objecting to the application.


The Sub-Committee considered the views of Mr Ormesher, an agent for the applicant, who addressed the Sub-Committee in relation to the application.


DECIDED – That (1) planning permission be approved subject to conditions as detailed within the submitted report and

(2) additional/revised conditions be imposed to secure an appropriate boundary treatment around the car park and refuse storage areas.



Listed Building Consent for the Conversion of Former Children's Centre to 8 Self-Contained Flats at the Milton Street Family And Children Centre, Milton Street, Middleton


The Director of Economy and Environment reported on submitted planning application 15/00150/LBC for listed building consent for the conversion of former children’s centre to 8 self-contained flats (use class C3) including demolition of rear shed, shelter and single storey outrigger, the formation of 12 car parking spaces and outdoor amenity area to rear of building, and alterations to ground floor windows on east facing (rear) elevation of building at the Milton Street Family And Children Centre, Milton Street, Middleton, M24 5TU


DECIDED – that Listed Building Consent be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the submitted report.


Proposed Two Storey Side Extension, Loft Conversion and Rear Dormer at 3, Parkside, Middleton


The Director of Economy and Environment reported on submitted planning application 15/01173/HOUS for a proposed two storey side extension, loft conversion and rear dormer at  3, Parkside, Middleton, Manchester, M24 1NL


DECIDED- that planning permission be approved subject to the conditions detailed in the submitted report.


Two Storey Side and Rear Extension at 12, Tregaer Fold, Middleton


The Director of Economy and Environment reported on submitted planning application 15/01204/HOUS for a two storey side and rear extension at 12, Tregaer Fold, Middleton, M24 2TR


The Sub-Committee considered the views of Mrs Baxter who addressed the Committee objecting to the application.


The Sub-Committee considered the views of the applicant, Mr Schirwing, who addressed the Sub-Committee in relation to the application.


DECIDED- that planning permission be approved subject to the conditions detailed in the submitted report.



Planning Appeals

i)          Notification has been received that the following appeals have been lodged:-



ii)         Notification has been received that the following appeals have been dismissed:-



ii)         Notification has been received that the following appeals have been allowed:-

            15/00208/FUL – 231 Hollin Lane - Development of convenience store, ATM and associated car parking – Middleton Township Decision (Ward – West Middleton)


The Director of Economy reported that the following planning appeals had been submitted:




The Director of Economy reported that the Planning Inspectorate had dismissed the following planning appeals:




The Director of Economy reported that the Planning Inspectorate had allowed the following planning appeals.


15/00208/FUL – 231 Hollin Lane - Development of convenience store, ATM and associated car parking – Planning and Licensing Committee Decision (Ward – West Middleton)


DECIDED – That the planning appeals be noted.