Agenda and minutes

Venue: Brimrod Methodist Church, Roch Valley Way, Rochdale OL11 4PZ. View directions

Contact: Rachel Hudson - Tel: 01706 924343 

No. Item


Introductions, Apologies and Code of Conduct pdf icon PDF 70 KB


All were welcomed to the meeting and apologies were given for those absent.  A copy of the code of conduct was circulated with the agenda papers and all were asked to abide by the code for the duration of the meeting.


Terms of Reference pdf icon PDF 124 KB


Attention was drawn to the addition of the Terms of Reference document for all non-constituted local area forums in the Rochdale area.  The purpose, objectives, powers etc detailed within the document were discussed.


Greater Manchester Police


PC McCluskey provided the update on behalf of GMP with the following crime statistics for the area of Brimrod, Marland and Sudden for the last quarter:


Type of offence

Figure reported

for past 3 months

Figure reported

at last forum




Vehicle offences



Criminal damage



Public Order offences



Possession of weapon



Drug offences




A summary of policing activities were reported.

Since the last forum meeting, a number of cannabis farms have recently been uncovered across the borough including within the Norden/Bamford areas and arrests have been made in association to these finds.

Staffing update
PCSO Peter Smith Emanuel has joined the team in terms of coverage.

Operation Dragster
There have been increased reports of off road bikes accessing areas in and around Mandale Park and PC Giblin mentioned the introduction of a Public Space Protection Order in an attempt to tackle this issue as a deterrent to offenders.  Further operations will take place in the coming months.

‘Bee in the Loop’
This is a new initiative by GMP which is a messaging service, in addition to their social media channels, to communicate with residents/businesses in each area regarding incidents/emergencies, to pass on crime prevention advice and to help shape local priorities for officers to concentrate on.  Residents can sign-up to it via the website

PC McCluskey emphasised the importance to residents of reporting incidents to the Police as it assists them with intelligence required to gather evidence to tackle offenders.  He stated crimes are stable and decreasing in most areas.

A resident raised a query about indiscriminate parking at school times around the top of Southdown Close and Law Street causing obstruction of view for other drivers.  Councillor Smith stated the Council’s Highways Department are aware of this issue and she will raise the matter again with Highways officers.

GMP Surgeries
The surgeries will be held monthly by local PCSOs at Norden Old Library.  The next three surgeries will take place on:

16 June 2023 (1-2pm)
17 July 2023 (5-6pm)
11 August 2023 (1-2pm)


Approval of the minutes of the last meeting, matters arising and updates pdf icon PDF 133 KB


The minutes of the previous meeting held on 2 March 2023 were approved as a correct record.

Updates were provided to actions previously raised at the last forum as follows:

Red light cameras – responsibility
The question was raised at the last forum as to who has responsibility for red light cameras.  Highways advised
there is a strict national criteria for the use of safety cameras based on the number of collisions and their causes.  They stated that looking at the data for this junction it would not meet the threshold for the installation of a camera.  Should a location meet the criteria for a camera it would need to be funded by Rochdale Borough Council and it would then be operated by Safer Roads GM and the tickets issues by GMP.

Manchester Road No Entry
It was reported at the last forum that cars have been witnessed entering Manchester Road near the former Lancashire Wall Coverings premises via the ‘No Entry’.  A discussion was held about whether additional signage/road measures could be used by the Council in order to deter this activity, ie race teeth.  The Council’s Highways Department advised that thematter has been raised multiple times in the past and unfortunately there is nothing that can be implemented physically to enforce the one-way or change the layout.  Highways advised they cannot install one way traffic flaps/teeth on the highway and only GMP can enforce the restriction.

Back Manchester Road – Road and pavement repairs
Residents requested the road and pavement to the back of Manchester Road, Sudden is inspected for repairs.
 Following the inspection of the road, Highways stated that they did not find safety defects that meet the criteria for repair, but they did identify a side entry gully that will be programmed for repair.  Also the flagged footway was raised again as a potential referral to be designed.  This area will be scored against other footways and the highest scoring would be considered for future works.

Roch Valley Way – Filter lane traffic lights
Residents reported incidences of cars exiting the estate, using the lights at the filter lane to turn right, experience oncoming cars indiscriminately going through the lights on red at Moon Furniture and hitting them.  They state exiting the junction at this location is fraught with danger and unsafe.  Ward Councillors requested the matter is escalated to Highways to provide an update on the safety of this junction and whether any improvements could be made.  Highways advised that the issue at this location is not that of highway layout or the operation of the traffic signals but is a lack of compliance with the signals.  They stated again that this is a matter for the police as only they can enforce red light offences.  There is no improvements to the junction that can be made to ensure compliance with a red traffic signal.


Open Forum


Sandy Lane Junction – Future works
Councillors requested an update from Highways Officers as to when works will commence.
Action: Townships to raise query with the Council’s Highways Department

Marland Green/Springfield Park exiting road - adopting the road/funding repairs to potholes
Residents raised the issue of the state of the road and whether any repairs or resurfacing works could be carried out.
 Bamford Ward Councillors have received numerous requests previously on this issue and they will seek advice from Highways officers as to whether this road could be considered for adoption or if not, can repairs be estimated.
Action: Townships to raise with the Council’s Highways Department

Litter bin request for Southdown Close
A new litter bin was requested for installation at the bottom of Southdown Close (where it meets Marland Old Road).
Action: Townships to raise this request for a new litter bin with the Council’s Environmental Management Department


Members/Ward Funds


Residents were advised that the current Township funding for this financial year and the new budgets will be agreed and available by late June/early July.  Any ideas or initiatives to improve the local area or give benefit to any community groups or associations are always welcome.  Discuss with your local Ward Councillors or the Township Officer.


Councillor Updates


Councillor Anstee provided the update to the forum as follows.

·           City Fibre work is ongoing and any defect areas are being raised.

·           Oulder Hill Parking Group work is ongoing and we can expect the outcome of the beat survey to be shared with Councillors and residents soon.

·           Ward Councillors are seeking clarity on the gated alleyway ongoing maintenance process.

·           Ward Councillors will continue to represent residents from a planning perspective.

·           Work is continuing to tackle the reoccurrence of anti-social behaviour on United Utilities land at Roch Valley Way.

·           For any planning-related enquiries residents are requested to approach Councillors Anstee or Sullivan, as Councillor Smith is on the Planning Panel and cannot comment.

·           Council Tax - 2% annual rebate was deducted from the first direct debit payments of the year.

·           Residents are asked to consider how best to spend funds and Councillors welcome any suggestions.

·           Thank you for the support at the recent election.

·           Your local Ward Councillors are always pleased to meet with you for a chat or to hear your concerns.  Our surgeries are the first Thursday of each month at Bamford Chapel from 10am to 11am and Brimrod Methodist Church from 11.15am to 12 noon.


Ward Councillors:

Councillor Stephen Anstee
Telephone: 07870 172144

Angela Smith
Telephone: 07710 297377

Councillor Pat Sullivan
Telephone: 07967 985240

Rochdale Borough Council Officers:
Rachel Hudson, Township Officer
Telephone: 01706 924343

Mick Ball, Public Realm Inspector
Telephone: 01706 922634

Mark Reynolds, Community Safety, Crime and Anti-Social Behavior Officer
Telephone: 01706 924979

Greater Manchester Police
PC Tim McCluskey
Telephone: 07393 782312

PCSO 72831 Kiran Kazmi
Telephone: 07814 072902


Date and time of the next meeting


Wednesday 23 August 2023 at 6.30pm