Venue: Castleton Community Centre, Manchester Road, Castleton, Rochdale OL11 3AF. View directions
Contact: Rachel Hudson - Tel: 01706 924343
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Introductions and Apologies/Code of Conduct PDF 15 KB
Introductions were made and all were welcomed to the
meeting. The code of conduct was
circulated. All attendees were asked to
abide by the code for the duration of the meeting.
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Minutes of last meeting/Matters arising/Updates PDF 75 KB
Slattocks Roundabout Lighting –
Update A resident previously
requested the lighting be inspected at Slattocks roundabout as he
stated at night he had witnessed vehicles coming off the slip road
and flip over as he felt the area was badly lit.
Townships requested the Street Lighting Department
contact Eon to carry out a site inspection which
resulted in them finding some of the high mast lanterns were
out. Eon arranged for them to be
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Greater Manchester Police
PCSO Doran gave an
update to the forum. The GMP Castleton
Community Centre Christmas party was held on 19 November 2019 and
featured food, a raffle and singing. It
was well attended and a great success!
Two ‘Op Considerates’ have been carried out recently by
officers in the ward to target speeding, use of mobile phones,
non-use of seatbelts, etc. Over 200
vehicles were stopped and more operations will be held in the
future. A safe number plate initiative
event will also be held on the car park of Castleton Community
Centre soon.
PACT meetings in the future will be changed from monthly to
quarterly due to the numbers in attendance being low, although GMP
officers will still be holding mobile police surgeries at different
locations around the ward – and the public are welcome to
make suggestions on such locations.
Residents again discussed speeding in Castleton, mentioning the
Nixon Street corner as being a hot spot, along with Queensway which
GMP advised they had consulted with Highways and no further
restrictions can be put in place on the road. PCSO Doran stated she and PC Farmer had leafletted
houses requesting residents assist them in doing a speed watch
operation, but they had no responses yet. Questions were posed to GMP including that of
querying current crime levels in the ward, safety when walking
along the canal, whether the theft of cars was on the increase and
also enforcement concerning drivers parking on
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update was given that the Council’s Public Protection
Department are still trying to look into points of concern
previously raised by residents, ie
removal of razor wire, improvements to boundary walls, general tidy
up of the yard area and light pollution.
Residents again voiced their ongoing concerns regarding use of the
site for the storage of chemicals and also the impact on roads
around the site by HGVs. Update
provided after the forum regarding the COMAH status; HSE
information is that the Tetrosyl site on Royle Barn Road is an
upper tier COMAH site. The web link
contains the publically available information.
Councillor Hornby spoke on behalf of the three Ward Councillors to
advise residents that they support their concerns. She stated that there is hope that with the
extension of nearby Stakehill Industrial Estate in the future, the
companies situated around the area of Royle Barn Road could have
better scope location-wise and choose to relocate, however, the
Council cannot require or force them to engage/relocate.
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Open Forum
using pavements and update - Castleton Cycle
Scheme Residents expressed concerns
over cyclists using pavements and the danger to pedestrians it
causes – an update then was provided on Castleton’s
Cycling Scheme.
Officers from Rochdale Borough Council’s Highways Service are
continuing to complete the detailed design process for a walking
and cycling scheme through the local centre of Castleton.
The scheme will aim to reallocate
highway space with a layout that will include more room for walking
and cycling. The detailed design
process is currently scheduled for completion in March 2020.
Transport for Greater
Manchester’s Urban Traffic Control Unit are leading on the
detailed design for two junctions along the route as part of this
A number of new crossing points will be introduced along the route
and one of the aims is to make it easier to cross over junctions.
The Manchester Road/Nixon Street
junction will also be upgraded; this existing traffic controlled
junction will have additional walking and cycling crossing
facilities included. Following the
completion of the design process, Rochdale Borough Council’s
Highways Service will hold a public engagement event for residents
and stakeholders to view plans, make comment and consult on all
aspects of the proposals. Upon
completion of this process, the Council will produce final plans,
addressing points made by local stakeholders wherever possible.
Rochdale Borough Council will then aim
to have approval of a full business case in the summer of 2020,
with delivery commencing later on in the year.
The Chair, along with Councillor Hornby, urged residents to make
their opinions known when the consultation becomes live.
Kav’s Corner – removal Residents again asked when this
temporary memorial site will be removed. An update was given that the Council, along with
the landowner, GMP and the family are still in
discussions/mediation regarding this sensitive matter.
Castleton Hotel external lighting A resident queried why the external lights around
the hotel were switched on at all hours of the day.
Action 1: Townships to raise the matter with the
Council’s Environmental Health Department to
Slattocks Roundabout road
surface A resident asked
whether the road surface around the Slattocks roundabout could be
either changed or grit/salted as they had witnessed vehicles losing
control due to slippage on diesel fuel spillages when it had been
raining as a result of lorries filling up at nearby Stakehill.
Action 2: Townships to raise the matter with the
Council’s Highways Department to investigate the
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Castleton EC Residents
No update.
Friends of Carnegie
Castleton No update.
Friends of Castleton Station/Support the Oldham,
Rochdale & Manchester Rail Lines/East Lancs
Railway The group are looking for
funding to purchase new planters on the railway
St. Gabriel’s The panto held
at the end of last year was very well received and
Rochdale Township in Bloom The
Annual General Meeting will be held next week and Castleton Railway
Station has been entered again in the ‘In Your
Neighbourhood’ category.
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Any Other Business
New Riverside Retail
Development Councillor Hornby
updated the forum that the new retail shopping centre will be
opening next month on 10 April 2020 and it will feature high street
brands; Marks and Spencer, Next, Nando’s, H&M to name a few.
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Date and time of next meeting
2 June 2020 at 7pm at Castleton Community Centre