Venue: Mayfield Rugby Club, Steve Gartland Way, Rochdale OL11 3DF. View directions
Contact: Rachel Hudson - Tel: 01706 924343
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Introductions and Apologies/Code of Conduct PDF 15 KB
Introductions were made and all were welcomed to the
meeting. The code of conduct was
circulated. All attendees were asked to
abide by the code for the duration of the meeting.
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Minutes of last meeting/Matters arising/Updates PDF 67 KB
Minutes were not discussed due to
amount of time elapsed since last meeting.
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Greater Manchester Police
PCSO Daley gave an
update to the forum.
Burglaries GMP noted an increase
in burglaries over the last few months, but it seems levels are
returning back to normal. There is a
new burglary team in place to deal with reports and residents are
encouraged to ring in with any reports or issues. 14 offenders across the borough have been recently
arrested for crimes associated with burglary. GMP advised residents to pay special attention to
security awareness around their homes, cars and property in the
autumn/winter dark months by the use of light timers, removing
items and keys on show and ensuring windows and doors are kept
locked at all times. Burglary will
remain a high priority for GMP in Castleton.
Speed watch GMP will be carrying out a speed watch
initiative in Castleton in the next few weeks and any residents
interested in getting involved can contact PCSO Daley.
GMP staffing PC Michelle Farmer is replaced with PC
Joseph Lucas and another PCSO will be starting late
November. The forum gave a huge thanks
to PC Michelle Farmer for her years of hard work and commitment to
Castleton and its residents.
Tesco carjacking incident GMP advised residents that
although no-one had been arrested for this offence yet, officers
were still working through enquiries and patrols had been put in
place in hotspot areas of Tesco and Manchester Road.
Castleton Community Centre
Christmas On 10 December 2021,
officers from GMP will visit vulnerable members of the community
delivering them a hot Christmas dinner to their homes and a quiz
will be held online. This is instead of
the usual dinner/party which will not be held at the centre this
Test purchasing Residents and Councillor Sheerin raised
the issue of underage sale of e-cigarettes. GMP advised they had carried out test purchasing
recently and they asked residents who have any details of shops of
concern to raise them direct with officers.
Action: Query raised with the Council as to why they
have stopped test-purchasing? Townships raised this
request with Environmental Health who advised that although
they had not undertaken any test purchasing since the start of the
pandemic, they were hoping to be back up and running in the New
Year when they have renewed their surveillance equipment.
behaviour Residents disclosed
several locations being used for suspected drug dealing to
GMP. It was also noted that trail bikes
are being ran to the rear of Crescent Road/dirt path Kingsland Road
areas and onto the green with anti-social behaviour issues close to
the allotments. GMP will monitor the
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Open Forum
Proposed cycle
lane/Bee-line Residents discussed
the proposed scheme and a question was also raised in writing by a
resident prior to the forum; ‘Where are all the
cycles which are going to use the cycle lane now proposed for the
village, parking front of shops are more valuable especially for
those with limited ability. Why are the
Councillors not voting against this proposal’?
The Council’s
Highways Department advised that the initial report is going to the
Communities, Regeneration, Environment Overview & Scrutiny
Committee on 6 December 2021. This
paper will explain how the consultation has been undertaken, but it
will not approve or change the scheme.
Highways will then propose a final report for approval of the
scheme at Cabinet on 14 December 2021. Councillor Sheerin advised
the forum he has withdrawn his support for the scheme.
Castleton Post Office A question
was raised in writing by a resident prior to the
forum;‘When is Castleton
Post Office due to re-open as it acts as both a post office and a
bank and is of vital use to all age groups’.
Councillor Sheerin advised the forum that he had last had an
update from the Post Office in late July and agreed with the
resident’s point of concern that it is totally
Email statement received from Royal Mail;
‘We understand how important Post Office services are to
communities and I’m very sorry that customers may need to
travel further to access our services whilst Castleton Post Office
is closed. The branch closed on 7 May
2021 for operational reasons.
Unfortunately, we do not yet have a re-opening date for the branch,
however we will inform customers and local representatives as soon
as we have any updates. As you may
know, the nearest alternative branch is Sudden Post Office, which
is located at 408 Manchester Road, Rochdale, just over a mile from
the branch. I’m very sorry for
the inconvenience and concern caused to customers and I hope my
response reassures you that we’re working to restore service
as soon as possible.
Kav’s Corner removal Residents again raised the
issue over when the temporary memorial site will be
removed. An update was given by
Councillor Sheerin that the Council, along with the landowner, GMP
and the family are still in discussions/mediation regarding this
sensitive matter. Action:
Townships to request a further update from the Council’s
Community Safety Department.
Restaurants A discussion was held
regarding the growing number of takeaway restaurants in the
village. Councillor Sheerin advised
residents that he had previously raised concerns with the
Council’s Planning Department when an appeal was lodged by an
applicant and he was informed by the Planning Inspector that there
wasn’t a proliferation of takeaways in Castleton.
Woolworth’s Social Club land A matter was raised
regarding refuse and vermin issues concerning land situated to the
rear of The Green, owned by the proprietors of the
Woolworth’s Social Club and a question posed as to whether
the club would open up the access path through ...
view the
full minutes text for item 4.
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Castleton EC Residents
Councillor Sheerin advised the forum he has ‘called-in’
the outline residential planning application for 550 houses which
will therefore now be heard at the planning meeting of
Friends of Carnegie Castleton
Update previously provided to the forum in writing by S Whitworth
is as follows:
We haven’t been able
to hold our usual activities, ie our Maypole and Clog Dancers, or
our Bank Holiday sales, and/or raffles, or invite anybody in for a
look at our “Three Corners” – “Carnegie
Corner”, “Castleton Corner” and “Conflict
Corner”, but they are growing fairly steadily, as another
member and myself have recently been able to go in twice a week to
carry out research.
In our “Conflict Corner” the research into Castleton
men who died in war is coming along very well. We are producing folders at the moment for those
killed in WW1 and WW2, but there are other conflicts that need to
be researched, ie the Boer War, Crimean and more recent ones Iraq,
Afghanistan, but the research is not as easy as records are not as
readily available.
I hope everyone has noticed the new wall around the Castleton
Cenotaph Stone. This is being provided
by Peter Kelly from the “Commercial” Pub and
we’re helping out with the names of those killed in the above
conflicts. Our thanks to Peter for
making the spare ground into a place of commemoration for
In our “Carnegie Corner” we have quite a comprehensive
history of Andrew Carnegie, the benefactor who paid for the
original library building for the people of Castleton in 1905, and
we now have a model of the “Diplodocus Carnegieii”
dinosaur named in his honour.
In our “Castleton Corner” we are compiling a history of
Castleton’s industrial past and are researching the cotton
mills, foundry, engineering works, etc, and have received a
comprehensive history of Whipp & Bourne which is no longer
there, having been replaced by a housing estate and “Ark
Royal Avenue”. As you can
imagine, all this research takes a long time. If anyone has an interest and wants to help out,
please let me know and I’m sure we can find a project for you
to be involved with.
Friends of Castleton
Station/Support the Oldham, Rochdale & Manchester Rail
Lines/East Lancs Railway The group have been actively
involved in the Rochdale, North West and Britain in Bloom
competitions with two submissions for the Castleton Railway Station
and the Castleton Memorial Strone. Both
entries were awarded as ‘Outstanding’ which is the
equivalent to gold.
Concerning the campaign to restore the half hourly train service
from Castleton to Manchester, STORM recently wrote to the local MP
who in-turn wrote to the Minister of Transport and is awaiting a
St. Gabriel’s The
pantomime ‘Mother Goose’ will be going ahead for
Christmas next year (2022).
Rochdale Township in
Bloom See above update. Councillor Sheerin was presented the award for the
‘Outstanding Contribution to Britain in Bloom’
award. Funding will be sought for more
planters to be ... view the
full minutes text for item 5.
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Any Other Business
Cowm Top Business Park
signage ‘No HGVs’
signage will be installed to try to stop lorries and HGV traffic accessing the road at the
Newchurch and Albion Street ends.
Councillors’ Surgeries Surgeries held on Saturdays at
10.30am–11.30am at the following venues:
First Saturday in month – St Aidan’s Church
Second Saturday in month – Castleton Community
Third Saturday in month – Thornham Cricket Club
Fourth Saturday in month –
Carnegie Library
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Date and time of next meeting
8 March 2022 at 7pm at Mayfield Rugby Club