Agenda and minutes

Venue: Castleton Community Centre, Manchester Road, Castleton, Rochdale OL11 3AF. View directions

Contact: Rachel Hudson - Tel: 01706 924343 

No. Item


Introductions and Apologies/Code of Conduct pdf icon PDF 15 KB


Introductions were made and all were welcomed to the meeting.  The code of conduct was circulated.  All attendees were asked to abide by the code for the duration of the meeting.


Minutes of last meeting/Matters arising/Updates pdf icon PDF 110 KB


The minutes of the previous meeting held on 8 March 2022 were approved and the following updates given.

Woolworth’s Social Club over-hanging trees
The Council’s Arboriculture Officer made contact with the resident in order to advise and resolve matters concerning the adjacent trees.

Crescent Road/Clovelly Street/Kingsland Road – Fly-tipping/ASB issues
The matter was raised with officers from the Environmental Management Departmentwho are looking further into concerns in relation to the security of the area.

Royle Road Housing Development &
Royle Road Battery Farm – noise/vibration/safety concerns
The matters were escalated to officers from the Building Control/Planning/Environmental Health Departments.  There are no planning conditions regarding vibration nor monitoring the sites.  The Health & Safety Executive must be contacted in relation to any concerns regarding unsafe practices on a building site.


Greater Manchester Police


Officers attending from GMP gave an update to the forum.


GMP reported there had been an increase in numbers of burglaries recorded in the past month.  All in attendance were reminded to keep car keys out of view and to use steering locks and faraday pouches/boxes to store keys within the home.

Anti-social behaviour
Reports of anti-social behaviour have also slightly increased due to the light hours and good weather.  Councillor Sheerin commented that he is attempting to get the Council to agree on a Public Space Protection Order to ban the drinking of alcohol within parks which will assist officers and allow them to enforce and remove it.  GMP was thanked for their recent efforts around the area of Tomlinson Street in reducing the occurrence of street drug dealing.

A resident advised those in attendance that there was a helpful document/leaflet by the Met Police namely ‘The Little Book of Big Scams’ for anyone who needed advice on potential scammers.

Officers advised that PCSO D Daley will be leaving GMP to work for Rochdale Borough Housing.  PCSO Daley was thanked by Councillor Sheerin, the Chair and all in attendance for her dedication and assistance to the ward of Castleton.  The Chair also asked officers to feedback to seniors at GMP that residents feel more reassured when they see a Police presence on the streets and in the community


Open Forum


Royle Road/Tetrosyl litter issues
A resident requested the forum escalate the litter issues on Royle Road, particularly near to the Tetrosyl area, as it was commented that its employees are leaving their waste across the road.  Councillor Sheerin commented that he did not feel that monies should be used from the ward’s Township funding for a new refuse bin as the employer should address the issue direct with its own staff.  A resident requested clarification from the Council’s Environmental Management Department on whether they have an anti-litter campaign or policy.
Action: Townships to raise the matter with the Council’s Environmental Management Department as to whether they have an anti-litter campaign/policy.  Also an Enforcement Officer to be asked to engage direct with the Tetrosyl site to request they inform their staff to not dispose of their litter on Royle Road.

Tomlinson Street 20 mph request
A resident asked about the process involved in making a street a 20mph area.  Councillor Sheerin advised that the Labour Party are currently in the process of making all residential streets/areas 20mph zones across the borough of Rochdale with the Council’s Legal Department; ’20 Is Plenty’ is the campaign.

Silk Street road markings
A resident advised that the road markings on Silk Street are confusing for motorists.
Action: Councillor Sheerin to raise the matter with the Council’s Highways Department.

Queensway speed limit
A resident enquired on the speed limit on Queensway, commenting there are several speeding cars witnessed on the road each day.  Councillor Sheerin advised the limit is 30mph and that GMP are carrying out targeted speed checks in the area over the next few months.


Update on local proposed Planning issues


An update was read out to the attendees of the forum as follows:

The Council has been working to actively progress a range of brownfield sites in Castleton.  Following the grant of planning permission, two sites are particularly advanced.

Land off Royle Road – This former brownfield mill site is currently undergoing remediation and subject to slope stability and engineering works ahead of the next stages of construction by Countryside to deliver 225 homes (new homes comprising 201 houses and 24 apartments).  The site is split equally across three tenure types and so includes one third affordable, one third private rent in addition to the one third private market sale.

Land at Nixon Street – The site of the former Carcraft, and an adjacent mill, was granted permission in March this year for 102 new dwellings to be developed by Hive Homes.  The southwest part of this large site has also been set aside to accommodate a new primary school.

The Council has also previously resolved to grant outline planning permission for the redevelopment of land adjacent to land at Newchurch Street (adj. Farrel) for around 100 homes.  However, the necessary s106 legal agreement remains unsigned and so the decision has not yet been issued and remains as pending.

Places for Everyone Joint Development Plan
The Places for Everyone (PfE) Plan is currently going through Examination in Public with the hearing sessions expected to commence in autumn this year.  The Local Planning Authority has also received a planning application on one of the sites proposed in the plan known as JPA25 Trows Farm – identified in the planning application as Land South of Cowm Top Lane.  This application was submitted in September 2021 and it seeks outline planning permission for up to 550 new homes on the site with detailed approval for means of access to the site.  The Local Planning Authority has already undertaken public consultation on this application which currently remains undetermined.

The Castleton Sidings site is also an allocation proposed within the PfE plan.  As yet no planning application has been submitted for this brownfield site.  When a planning application is submitted there would be an opportunity to make comments as part of that process.

Castleton Station Supplementary Planning Document was also approved in March 2022 to give greater detail and guidance on development in the area including the delivery of brownfield sites.


Rochdale Township in Bloom/Britain in Bloom


Councillor Sheerin updated the forum that Rochdale will be representing the North West in the national Britain in Bloom competition in August of this year.  Representing Britain once before, Rochdale took the Gold award, but it will prove more difficult this year due to the area around the Town Hall not being accessible for entry.

The group have recently planted up the area around the railway station along with the help of children from four local schools, Friends of Castleton Railway Station and also people from both Rochdale Connections and Bowlee Garden Centre.

Major changes are also happening to the Village Green area with the removal of some shrubs and more grassed areas being made available for residents to access and use.

A beacon was lit on the Village Green on the evening of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee at 9.45pm in collaboration with In Bloom, along with over 3000 others across the country.  The beacon will be left in place as a new feature for the area.  Plaques will soon be installed in the garden to commemorate the fallen soldiers from the area.




Castleton EC Residents
No update.
Friends of Carnegie Castleton
No update.

Friends of Castleton Station/Support the Oldham, Rochdale & Manchester Rail Lines/East Lancs Railway
The representative from the group advised the forum that the frequency of trains from December allows two trains to stop at Castleton Station now every hour.  This frequency was previously reduced due to the pandemic.  STORM had campaigned for the past two years for three trains per hour.

The Community Rail Network emails its members each month with an update and recently announced two new partnerships with the Calder Valley Line and the Robin Hood Line.

St Gabriel’s
No update on St Gabriel’s but Councillor Sheerin advised that its ‘sister’ church, St Johns, Rochdale, has just received lottery funding for repairs to its dome.


Any Other Business


Rochdale Rugby Club – Events/Noise/Traffic Complaints
Representatives from Rochdale Rugby Club were in attendance at the forum as Councillor Sheerin had raise with them some concerns expressed by local residents over recent events/noise/traffic.  No residents were in attendance at the forum, so the matter could not be addressed and discussed in full, however, the club representatives stated they were taking all reports seriously and they are always happy to have an open dialogue to discuss any concerns.  They have recently installed a makeshift overspill carpark to deal with the traffic concerns.  A discussion was held regarding a suggestion for a ‘Give Way’ sign to be installed for traffic exiting the car park and the club representatives confirmed they were happy to look into this matter.

Hydrotherapy pool facilities
Councillor Sheerin advised the forum that the new hydrotherapy facility at Castleton Swimming Pool will be opening on 5 August 2022.  Another facility is already open in Ensor Mill, Queensway funded by the Jolly Josh Charity for children with terminal illness.

Attendance at the forum
The Chair and Councillor Sheerin asked residents in attendance to encourage their families and neighbours who live within the ward of Castleton to attend the forum.  Councillor Sheerin stated he would put a poster up in the Community Centre of the future dates.

Councillors’ surgeries
Surgeries are held on Saturdays at 10.30am–11.30am at the following venues:
First Saturday in month - St Aidan’s Church Hall
Second Saturday in month - Castleton Community Centre
Third Saturday in month - Thornham Cricket Club
Fourth Saturday in month
- Carnegie Library


Date and time of next meeting


Tuesday 20 September 2022 at 7pm