Venue: Castleton Community Centre, Manchester Road, Castleton, Rochdale OL11 3AF. View directions
Contact: Rachel Hudson - Tel: 01706 924343
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Introductions and Apologies/Code of Conduct PDF 15 KB
Introductions were made and all were welcomed to the
meeting. The code of conduct was
circulated. All attendees were asked to
abide by the code for the duration of the meeting.
Councillor Sheerin asked all in attendance to pause in memory of
the late Harold Appleby who recently passed away. Harold made a massive contribution over the years
to the Castleton Community Centre and he will be sadly missed by
all. Thanks for his dedication,
commitment and years of service.
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Minutes of last meeting/Matters arising/Updates PDF 123 KB
minutes of the previous meeting held on 28 June 2022 were approved
and the following updates given.
Road/Tetrosyl litter issues A
previously requested the forum escalate the litter issues on
Royle Road near to the Tetrosyl area and clarification was requested from
the Council’s Environmental Management Department on if they
have an anti-litter campaign. Townships
raised the matter and the local Ward Councillors intend to fund a
new litter bin to be located in the area of concern. There are no formal specific litter campaigns
running at present by the Council’s Environmental Management
Department but the area can still be monitored.
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Greater Manchester Police
Officers were not present at the forum. Residents expressed their disappointment with their
absence and requested it was raised with GMP. The response from the local area sergeant after the
forum was he expressed apologies on behalf of
GMP for not attending, stating that he had been on a period of
leave and nominated a representative to attend, however, due to a
major incident, that officer was diverted to assist. He reassured that GMP will be in attendance at the
next meeting.
Speeding Residents expressed
concerns about speeding vehicles in and around the ward
particularly on a route from Sandbrook
Park area through to Slattocks via
Queensway and Manchester Road, stating it was dangerous
‘timed racing’. A
discussion took place with residents, Councillor Sheerin and a
representative from Highways regarding road layout adjustments,
requirements necessary before the introduction of speed cameras and
also community speed watch initiatives in order to tackle the
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Open Forum
Planning updates Residents in
attendance requested an update from Councillor Sheerin on the
developments discussed at the last forum.
Land off Royle Road Countryside are well on their way now with this development.
The previous issue regarding
contractors parking vehicles on Royle
Barn Road is now resolved. Residents
raised concerns about sub-contractor vehicles accessing Gypsy Lane
which carries a weight restriction.
Highways Officer in attendance agreed to escalate this
Land at Nixon Street This development is due
to start imminently.
Trub Farm Councillor Sheerin advised the consultation period
for this plan for 450 homes on the site has now ended.
Places for Everyone Joint Development Plan As
previously updated at the forum, the Places for Everyone
(PfE) Plan is currently going through
Examination in Public with hearing sessions expected to commence in
the autumn.
The Sidings Residents expressed concerns
over the access/egress routes of this potential development of
approximately 550 houses which would take traffic past a nursery,
school and elderly residents’ home. Concerns can be emailed to
Concerns were raised by residents about
the number of new houses proposed for the ward with no plans for
additional infrastructure. Councillor
Sheerin updated residents on the plans for a new primary school to
be built on the site of the former Carcraft. He also
stated that the Council have government set targets to meet with
regards to the number of new houses built. Residents felt that there was more clarification
needed on what will be done to answer concerns on the lack of
infrastructure to support the future housing growth.
Crescent Road/Clovelly Street/Kingsland Road fly tipping/ASB
issues This matter was raised again by a
resident in attendance. An update is
required from the Council’s Environmental Management
Department regarding the previous suggestion of a barrier to the
area of concern in relation to the issues experienced by residents
in the area. Also fly tipping
(mattress) needs removing.
Action: Township Officer to raise the matter again
with the Council’s
Environmental Management Department
Rear of the Top House/Heywood Road litter and fly
tipping Litter and fly tipped
rubbish was reported at this location.
Action: Councillor Sheerin will investigate and escalate the
Woolworth’s Social Club overhanging trees A resident
raised this matter again concerning overhanging trees to the rear
of their property from Woolworth’s Social Club. The Council is not responsible for matters
regarding private property. Any
remedial or legal action should be taken by the house/landowner in
order to resolve matters concerning the adjacent
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Members/Ward Funds
Any residents or
organisations wishing to put forward any initiatives or ideas for
improvements which would benefit the community and ward of
Castleton to speak to the Ward Councillors or Township Officer
about funds.
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Update on cycle lanes
Highways Officer
attended to update the forum. Works
will commence on site as of Monday 5 September. A recent site clearance of trees at land opposite
Nixon Street to provide a car parking area has resulted in
complaints being made, however, it was explained that a full
ecology study was undertaken beforehand and no trees of good
condition or those with a Preservation Order attached to them were
removed. It was also stated that of the
28 trees removed, 56 will be replaced in a ‘2 for 1’
Works will be delivered in three phases over a ten month delivery
programme. The delivery of phase one
will take it up to July/August of next year. Residents again questioned the necessity of a cycle
lane. The officer explained that the
scheme is a GM initiative coupled with the Council’s policy
to prioritise stable road sustainability. The scheme may provide residents some relief in
terms of speeding vehicles through the village, due to the
introduction of narrower lanes and raised junctions/plateaus
installed to provide a traffic calming effect for the
cycling/walking users. It will also
provide new road surfacing, footways, new street lighting and a 130
space, 3 hours free off-street car park facility.
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Rochdale Township in Bloom/Britain in Bloom
Councillor Sheerin updated the forum that Rochdale is up against
Canterbury in the ‘Small City’ category and results
will be given at the event in London in October.
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Castleton EC Residents
No update.
Friends of Carnegie Castleton
A member of the group attended the forum and they advised that a
formal letter from the Lord Lieutenant had been received confirming
the official recognition of the Castleton War Memorial.
Thanks were given to Councillor Sheerin
and the landlord of the Commercial Inn for their support for the
group’s initiatives. Residents
are welcome to get in touch to join the Friend’s group which
is £4 per annum.
Friends of Castleton
Station/Support the Oldham, Rochdale & Manchester Rail
Lines/East Lancs
Railway Councillor Sheerin gave a brief update to state
that he and his fellow Ward Councillors will continue their fight
to ensure the frequency of two trains per hour through Castleton
St Gabriel’s No update on St
Gabriel’s but Councillor Sheerin advised that its
‘sister’ church, St Johns, Rochdale, is currently
having works totalling three quarters of a million pounds lottery
funding spent on its mosaic.
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Any Other Business
Chair resignation The Chair
advised the forum that she intends to resign from her position and
thanked everyone who has attended and supported her over the past
4+ years. Councillor Sheerin thanked
the Chair on behalf of the residents, community and Council for her
service, commitment and dedication to the forum.
Expressions of interest was sought for another member of the local
community to take up the position of Chair of the forum.
Councillors’ surgeries Surgeries are
held on Saturdays at 10.30am–11.30am at the following
First Saturday in month - St Aidan’s Church Hall
Second Saturday in month - Castleton Community Centre
Third Saturday in month - Thornham
Cricket Club
Fourth Saturday in month - Carnegie Library
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Date and time of next meeting
Thursday 15 December 2022 at 7pm