Agenda and minutes

Venue: Castleton Community Centre, Manchester Road, Castleton, Rochdale OL11 3AF. View directions

Contact: Rachel Hudson - Tel: 01706 924343 

No. Item


Introductions and Apologies/Code of Conduct pdf icon PDF 15 KB


Introductions were made and all were welcomed to the meeting.  The code of conduct was circulated.  All attendees were asked to abide by the code for the duration of the meeting.


Minutes of last meeting/Matters arising/Updates pdf icon PDF 115 KB


The minutes of the previous meeting held on 20 September 2022 were approved and the following updates given.

Crescent Road/Clovelly Street/Kingsland Road fly tipping/ASB issues
The Council’s Environmental Management Department are progressing work to compile a quote for a suggested barrier in the area of concern in relation to the issues experienced by residents in the area.


Greater Manchester Police


Officers were not present at the forum.  The local area sergeant had emailed and rang prior to the start of the meeting to express apologies on behalf of GMP for not attending, stating that all local personnel had been diverted to attend an incident.  He reassured that GMP will be in attendance at the next meeting.


Open Forum


Tyre outlet on Manchester Road
Residents in attendance expressed their concerns about the tyre outlet business situated on the site of the former car lot on Manchester Road, stating it does not have the necessary planning consent for its use.  Councillor Sheerin confirmed he has raised the matter with the Council who stated the owners hold a licence to recycle tyres but do not have planning permission for the change of use of the site, which is being pursued by Planning Enforcement Officers.  Concerns were raised regarding the site’s appearance, the time elapsed with no application being submitted and also the fact that there may still be tanks stored underneath the site from the former fuel station use.
Action: Townships to request an update from the Enforcement Officer dealing with the matter from the Council’s Planning Department

Castleton’s derelict/dilapidated commercial buildings
A resident expressed concern about the appearance of some of the derelict and dilapidated former commercial buildings around the village, including the former video store and the top house, stating that the area needs intervention and some form of regeneration.  Councillor Sheerin advised planning applications have been submitted for both of these mentioned sites and he hopes that with the introduction of the new cycle lane, improvements and investments will follow for the area.  Councillor Gallagher stated that she had undertaken a walk round the area along with the Council’s Business and Skills Team in order to campaign for a new shop-front grant scheme for businesses in Castleton.  Residents responded that they feel local businesses will inevitably fail in the future because of the introduction of the cycle lane and changes to the road network.

Residents complained of speeding vehicles in the areas of Manchester Road and Queensway, using the A627.  As no officers were present from GMP at the forum, it was discussed that incidents should be reported in real time using GMP’s online chat/website reporting system so that the necessary intelligence can be compiled and resources assigned by GMP accordingly to address the matter.  Councillor Sheerin advised that he had attended a meeting with the new Chief Superintendent for GMP who had given reassurances that they will be putting more resources into the widespread issue.  Councillor Sheerin has requested regular speed checks to be carried out.

Durban Street parking
A resident raised concerns about cars parking on double yellow lines at the corner of Durban Street/Manchester Road, stating it impedes the sight-lines for drivers when exiting left onto the main road.
Action: Townships to raise the matter with the Council’s Parking Services Department

Partington Street parking
A resident raised concerns about parked cars on the corner/exit of Partington Street onto Manchester Road.  There are no double yellow lines in the area so Parking Enforcement Officers cannot enforce this location.  Councillor Sheerin advised that under the new cycle lane scheme, this junction will have traffic lights installed, which should resolve the problem.

Former Post Office
Residents enquired whether there were any future plans for the former Post  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Appointment of Chair


Expressions of interest was sought for another member of the local community to take up the position of Chair of the forum.


Members/Ward Funds


Any residents or organisations wishing to put forward initiatives or ideas for improvements which would benefit the community and ward of Castleton to speak to Ward Councillors or Township Officer about funds.

Councillor Sheerin updated residents on recent initiatives that the local Ward Councillors have supported using Township funds including the removal of problematic shrubbery situated in an area to the rear of St Aiden’s Church on Bruce Street and also two new Christmas light features purchased to enhance the display running throughout the village.  Councillors are also considering the purchase of a PA system for any future events to be held on The Green, ie Christmas light switch on, Remembrance Sunday and Morris Dancing.  These events have recently taken place and they were very well attended by residents.  Thanks were noted to the owners of the local Zeera restaurant who sent over hot food and drinks to attendees at the Christmas event on the night.




Castleton EC Residents
No update.

Friends of Carnegie Castleton
Councillor Sheerin gave a vote of thanks to the Friends of Carnegie for their work on the memorial stone.

Friends of Castleton Station/Support the Oldham, Rochdale & Manchester Rail Lines/East Lancs Railway
An update was given by the treasurer.  Trains in both directions between Castleton to Manchester Victoria are now back running twice per hour.  Some times are sporadic and vary somewhat in the evenings.  Timetables can be accessed online.  Members from the Castleton Community Rail Partnership have attended two meetings recently regarding the Calder Valley line along with attendees from Manchester Northern Trains and Network Rail.  Another meeting will be held again this week which assist to enable proactive communal effort and gives better leverage.  A meeting organised by the Calder Valley Partnership in Halifax will be held on 14 December 2022 for all members and friends groups.

St Gabriel’s
The Beauty and the Beast pantomime will be held in the school February half term school holiday week next year.

In Bloom
Councillor Sheerin updated the forum on the amazing success of the In Bloom group at recent awards ceremonies.  Rochdale was chosen to represent the North West at the ‘Britain in Bloom’ competition and they were up against Canterbury.  Rochdale received the award for the residents led National Champions for Community Involvement award.  It also took the award for ‘Best Small City’.  Castleton Station also won an award, along with the Castleton Village Green.

The platinum jubilee beacon, in situ on the village green in Castleton, has been recognised by the palace as an officially recognised beacon.  A tree from the mall (named Tree of Trees) originated from the recent Buckingham Palace’s jubilee celebrations has been awarded to us and it will be planted in Bowlee accompanied by a civic presentation.  When the improvements have been completed at the Town Hall in Rochdale Town Centre, the tree will be relocated there.


Any Other Business


Planning/development updates
Councillor Sheerin updated residents on developmental matters for the ward.

Places for Everyone Joint Development Plan
he Places for Everyone (PfE) Plan is currently going through Examination in Public to look at designated areas of employment and house building, etc.  The Stakehill and Slattocks area is included in this plan and is currently within its consultation period.

Trows Farm
Councillor Sheerin advised the planning application for this plan for 550 homes is now submitted.

Former All-in-One Garden Centre
This site will be cleared this month.  Redrow are in consultation with residents from the Thornham area to discuss any views on future development.

Questions were raised by residents regarding the Council’s ‘green’ initiatives concerning new builds in the Borough, in light of the climate crisis.  Air pollution was raised and questions asked over the monitoring.

The provision of future social housing was also raised and discussed.  Councillor Sheerin advised that the development at the former Carcraft site will be ‘affordable housing’.  There will also be a new school built near this site.  Residents expressed concern over the lack of extra infrastructure in the area to support the needs of all the additional residents occupying the new homes being built.

Councillors’ surgeries
Surgeries are held on Saturdays at 10.30am –11.30am at the following venues:
First Saturday in month - St Aidan’s Church Hall
Second Saturday in month - Castleton Community Centre
Third Saturday in month - Thornham Cricket Club
Fourth Saturday in month - Carnegie Library.


Date and time of next meeting


Tuesday 14 March 2022 at 7.00pm
Castleton Community Centre