Venue: Castleton Community Centre, Manchester Road, Castleton, Rochdale OL11 3AF. View directions
Contact: Rachel Hudson - Tel: 01706 924343
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Introductions and Apologies/Code of Conduct PDF 70 KB
chair welcomed all in attendance, introductions were made by
officers present to the meeting and apologies were
noted. Attention was drawn to the code
of conduct, a summary of which was read out and all were asked to
abide by its requirements for the duration of the
2. |
Appointment of Chair and Vice Chair
discussed at the last meeting, the Chair
stated that all area forums rely on residents taking on the role of
Chair of the meeting, supported by Townships Officers, and this has
not happened in Castleton for a long time. Therefore as a result this was an Annual General
Meeting to enable a Chair to be appointed.
Nominations were requested for Chair and one member of the forum
was nominated and that nomination was then seconded by another
member. The position was agreed upon
and the Annual General Meeting was then closed. After the meeting the person nominated as Chair
then chose to retract his place as Chair of the Area Forum.
As previously stated by the Chair; if the meeting did not succeed
in identifying and voting in a Chair for the following 12 months,
the meeting will close and the meetings planned for November and
February will not take place.
3. |
Area Forum constitution PDF 195 KB
A copy
of the constitution was available for residents to refer to and
attention was drawn by the Chair to the fact that the constitution
relates to the governance of Castleton Area Forum as a
non?party political
organisation with its purpose to provide a focal point for
residents and businesses in the ward to raise and comment on issues
and be made aware of developments in the Castleton area.
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Minutes of last meeting/Matters arising/Updates PDF 125 KB
minutes of the previous meeting held on 21 June 2023 were approved
and the following updates given.
Tyre Outlet - Manchester
Road Residents’ concerns
regarding the tyre outlet business at the site of the former car
lot on Manchester Road were raised previously and an update
requested on the action being taken by the Council’s Planning
Enforcement Department. The current
update is that Planning Enforcement Officers hand served the enforcement notice today in relation to the use
at the site. The notice will take effect
from 12 October 2023 unless an appeal is made against it before
this date. If no appeal is made, the
notice will need to be complied with within three months of the
effective date. The notice requires the
use of the land to cease and for all associated materials and
equipment to be removed from the site.
Section 106
Residents previously enquired about Section 106 Agreements and
developer’s responsibilities to adhere to the planning
conditions. A question was raised as to
whether the Council has taken any developers to court for breaking
the agreement or non-payment. Councillor Sheerin updated the forum
that he raised the enquiry at full Council with the Council’s
Planning/Legal Department and he was informed that we do not have
any powers as a local authority to enforce the compliance as we
cannot pursue it legally.
5. |
Greater Manchester Police
Inspector Partington (GMP) provided
the update with Sgt Hartley-Pickles and PCs Anderson and
Awais also in attendance. Inspector Partington
advised residents that the police team for the area is fully
staffed now and PCSO Pemberton is also back in work.
Speeding Traffic The Inspector advised that
the previous issues raised regarding Keswick Street in terms of
vehicles accessing the one-way system incorrectly and speeding,
etc are very hard for officers to be
onsite in the area 24/7 to witness and enforce. The neighbourhood team will do their best to pursue
offenders when out and about in the area as best they can.
There are plans for some targeted speed
operations towards the end of this month and updates on statistics
will be uploaded to Bee in the Loop afterwards. A resident requested an operation is conducted by
GMP specifically in the area of the speeding loop being taken by
some offenders, that being Manchester Road – Slattocks – A627(M) – Queensway, as it
is a regular occurrence to witness in the area.
Off road motorbikes and quads were again raised as an issue on the
roads and the Inspector again advised that GMP are working with the
Council on the process to apply for a Public Space Protection Order
to cover the whole of the Rochdale Borough which will enable them
to enforce and issue fixed penalty tickets to offenders.
Drugs Officers have previously had certain
areas of concern brought to their attention via Crimestoppers, residents and Councillors and as a
result there will be two targeted operations carried out this month
in an attempt to tackle these issues using the intelligence
received. Residents are urged to either
email the neighbourhood beat officer with any further intelligence,
including dates, times and registration details of incidents
witnessed or ring Crimestoppers with
information which could support officers in their attempts to issue
warrants and seize the necessary individuals involved in this
Anti-social behaviour Current statistics as
reported to GMP do not depict there to be an issue in the ward of
Castleton with regards to anti-social behaviour. There had been reports of issues at the playground
situated on Heywood Road and as a result this area will be
incorporated as part of a routine patrol now. By way of an explanation the Inspector added that
statistics tend to increase in numbers due to the summer holiday
period and will now settle back down that the schools are back
Statistics reported in the period of 1 June – 31 August
2023 are as follows:
Residential burglaries – 7 reported – reduction of 53%
on same period last year
Commercial burglaries – 4 reported – increase on last
year’s figures
Personal robberies – none reported – this figure was 3
in the last period
Business robberies – none reported
Vehicle crime – 21 reported – figure reported last time
was 34 therefore a 40% reduction
Queries raised to officers included the
lack of visibility of officers on patrol in the ...
view the full minutes text for item 5.
6. |
Open Forum
Castleton Bee Network
Scheme The matter was discussed by
residents in attendance at the area forum again, and an officer was
present from the Council’s Highways Department to answer all
queries raised.
Residents reported wrongly signed bus stops situated near Tesco and
the former Castleton Post Office for the No 17 bus route.
The Highways Officer advised this is a
matter for TfGM and not the Council, but he could pass on any
complaints that were forwarded to him accordingly;
Alex Whittaker on 01706 924534 or
Residents again discussed the one way
system on Keswick Street, stating coaches are still struggling to
get through to the rugby club due to parked cars, etc. The Highways Officer advised the Council’s
Highways Department are looking into the possibility of using small
sections of double yellow lined areas to alleviate the congestion
and he advised there will be an extra 20 car parking spaces made
available with the future re-lining works of the Castleton
Community Centre car park.
A discussion was held regarding issues at the junction with refuse
vehicles, coaches and trucks, etc
exiting on to the main road and having to swing-out into the
traffic to make the turn. The Highways
Officer advised that all new road schemes are consulted on and
agreed prior to the works commencing with the Traffic Unit, formal
Road Safety Auditors and the emergency services. Signals at the junctions will alleviate the issues
when they are activated in the near future.
A query was raised about the lack of disabled parking facilities on
Manchester Road to which the Highways Officer advised that there is
still availability on side streets, at Durban Street car park and
disabled users can park on double yellow lines for up to three
hours when displaying an approved disabled badge. Concerns were further raised stating shop workers
park their vehicles in these areas prohibiting customers from
accessing these spaces. The Highways
Officer advised they had sent out leaflets to local businesses to
encourage their employees to use the car parks facility.
A question was asked as to when will
works start to the new car park facility on Railway Approach and
the forum was update that this will commence in November.
All junctions and crossings associated
with the scheme will also be activated from November and temporary
traffic lights will then be removed.
Castleton Sidings - proposed housing
development In response to
previous queries from residents regarding the proposed access roads
in/out of this housing development, the Highways Officer advised
the forum that the Council’s Highways Department have
escalated their concerns at length with the developer, requesting
they amend their proposals. A query was
raised by a resident as to whether local infrastructure will be
increased due to the extra volume of residents and whether there
will be a public planning consultation in future, to which the
Highways Officer stated the Council’s Highways Department can
endeavour to look into this issue with the Planning
Royle Barn Road potholes A resident ... view the
full minutes text for item 6.
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Members/Ward Funds
8. |
Castleton EC Residents
No update.
Friends of Carnegie
Castleton No update.
Friends of Castleton Station/Support the Oldham, Rochdale &
Manchester Rail Lines/East Lancs
Railway No
St Gabriel’s No
9. |
Any Other Business
Councillors’ Surgeries
proposed method of contact with residents:
First week of the month - Tuesday at 2pm at the Old Carnegie Library. All three Councillors will be present for a chance
to catch up on local issues - any residents can drop in with their
Second Saturday of the month – 10.30am at
Castleton Community Centre (appointments only for any Councillor
who has been approached to be available).
Third Wednesday of the month - 5pm early evening
street surgeries in the village (all Councillors being
Forth Saturday of the month – Castleton
Community Centre drop-in - Councillors will be present on a rota
Commencing October 2023 If any resident has an
issue that needs immediate attention an email is possibly the
quickest way to make contact:
Councillor Billy Sheerin
Councillor Aisling Gallagher
Councillor Aasim Rashid
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Date and time of next meeting