Agenda and minutes

Venue: Newbold Community Church, Milnrow Road, Rochdale OL16 5DW. View directions

Contact: Rachel Hudson - Tel: 01706 924343 

No. Item


Introductions and Apologies/Code of Conduct pdf icon PDF 15 KB


All were welcomed to the meeting and apologies were noted.  Attention was drawn to the code of conduct, a summary of which was read out.  All attendees were asked to abide by the code for the duration of the meeting.


Minutes from the last meeting/updates pdf icon PDF 88 KB


The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed and the followingupdates were provided.

St Peter’s Primary School – Speeding vehicles
Residents previously reported they had witnessed speeding on Woodbine Street East.  Councillors stated the speed humps need re-painting and an additional hump situated near to the shop would benefit the overall restrictions on the road. Councillor Ahmed is still liaising with the Council’s Highways Department regarding this matter.

Fly tipping
Residents reported several locations of incidents of fly tipping around the ward including Count Street, Robinson’s Common and kick pitch, Crawford Street, Moss Mill Street and Elder Street.  A walk round took place with Councillors, a representative from The Guinness Partnership and also the Council’s Environmental Management Department to address the ongoing issues in the ward.

Milnrow Road, Rochdale – tree roots from highway causing damage to property
Councillor Ali previously requested this matter be escalated as tree roots from the highway/pavement are damaging the resident’s property.  Townships raised the matter with the Council’s Environmental Management Department and an arboriculture officer has liaised with the resident to give advice on how to resolve the matter with their insurers and they will liaise with the Highways Department regarding the footpath.

Surma Close, Rochdale broken fencing
Councillor Ali previously requested the matter be escalated as the fencing around the properties was broken.  Townships raised it online with housing provider Great Places and the fence has now been repaired.

Kingsway/Queensway gyratory – road traffic accident stats previous 6 months
Councillors requested the statistics.  Townships liaised with the Council’s Highways Department who advised there had been no accidents reported at that location in the previous 6 month period.


Greater Manchester Police - PACT meeting


Sgt Honey provided the update to residents and Councillors in attendance.  He advised he is currently covering the neighbourhood sergeant role in the Kingsway area, alongside his duties in the Pennines area, and his responsibilities are looking after the team and ensuring officers are addressing community concerns.

He stated that it is clear that speeding and anti-social driving is a key community concern and it is therefore one of their team’s priorities.  He advised major investment is currently taking place in the Force’s Traffic Unit with GMP looking to double its capacity to increase capability.  He intends to highlight the specific areas raised to ensure they are covered by the Traffic Unit and speed enforcement van.  As a neighbourhood team, officers will continue to address community concerns regarding speeding vehicles in the area with two planned community speed watch events each month to help reduce the problem by targeting people who are breaking traffic laws.

Officers have been using stop and search powers in order to tackle weapon and drug offences due to a 53% rise in the past month and access to national crime reducing funding is being sought to resource more officer cover to tackle this issue.  Meetings are also taking place with British Transport Police to arrange joint operations in the area.

Burglary statistics have not seen any recent increase, but the dark nights are now approaching so GMP Rochdale have launched their annual ‘Operation Dark Nights’ whereby more officers will be assigned to engage with local residents to advise on the implementation of burglary reduction measures.

Matters raised with GMP by residents and Councillors attending the forum included anti-social behaviour by youths on off-road bikes/scooters in the area of Sandfield Road and anti-social behaviour of youths late at night in the Muriel Street area.  Also it was reported there had been a proliferation of vehicle break-ins and criminal damage occurring in the Turf Hill/Kingsway areas with a request for officers to give the areas passing attention to provide more visible presence as a deterrent.

Residents were urged to report any information whatsoever via the usual channels including that of Crimestoppers so that officers can use the intelligence to build a full picture and assign adequate resources to tackle the issues.

Always call 999 in an emergency.
Call 101 to report incidents, crimes and matter of concerns.
You can report a crime or incident or suspicious circumstances online on GMP website.


Open Forum


Farraday Avenue – Idling Rosso Bus issues for residents
A resident attended and described the situation regarding the Rosso bus service using the highway area outside her property as a makeshift bus stop and location to idle.  It is causing a nuisance in terms of noise and litter as local employees of the JD warehouse use her garden wall as an area to wait for buses.  All recent attempts to gain a response from Rosso and TfGM have been unsuccessful including emails sent from the Township Officer on behalf of the Council.  Councillor Massey agreed to look into the matter.
Action: Township Officer to forward all recent email communications to Councillor Massey regarding this matter.

Prince Street/Franklin Street junction lineage
Residents requested the faded white lineage on the junction of Prince Street onto Franklin Street is refreshed as traffic does not stop at the junction.  Councillor Ahmed advised residents that the double yellow lineage on Count Street will be implemented over the next couple of weeks.
Action: Townships to raise the request with the Council’s Highways Department.

Crown Street & Percy Street – Access blocked to properties
A resident advised the alleyway is sometimes blocked for other residents.  Councillor Ahmed advised works to tarmac the alleyway will be completed in October.

Fly tipping – Major problem

Residents and Councillors have requested a representative from the Council’s Environmental Management Department attend the next forum to discuss the ongoing issues experienced across the ward.
Action: Townships to raise the request with the Council’s Environmental Management Department.


Members/Ward Funds


Any residents or organisations wishing to put forward any initiatives or ideas of improvements which would benefit the community and ward of Kingsway to speak to the Councillors or Township Officer with regards to funding.


Ward News


Councillor Massey updated the forum on behalf of the local Ward Councillors.


·           St Peter’s Primary School Climate Team – Councillors have been working closely with the team to educate the school children on climate issues.

·           Fly tipping - request to residents to alert Councillors or the Council’s Environmental Management Department on any information on fly tippers in the area so the appropriate action can be taken.

·           Morrison’s Trolleys – improvement on numbers abandoned around the ward due to weekly removal effort by the neighbourhood team.

·           Contaminated Bins – weekly meetings are being held with the social housing provider Guinness Partnership to escalate any incidents.

·           Lock 50 litter issues – volunteers always welcome as they are needed to tackle the issues with litter at this location.

·           Highway Cabinet Member – discussions for the renewal of white lineage and street markings across the ward.

·           Cost of living crisis – meetings are being held to discuss how best to distribute any Government hardship funding to residents.

·           Count Street potholes – recent works carried out.

·           Neighbourhood disputes/hate crimes – working alongside PC Chadwick to resolve complaints.

·           Weeds – pushing for more weed killing for weeds and bushes around the ward.

·           ‘Uniform for All’ Initiative – a school recycling scheme which delivered 30 bags/day to families in need.

·           Triangle Play Area – area behind Adrian Terrace experiencing anti-social behaviour issues will be addressed on how to tackle and deter future occurrences.

·           Robinson’s Common – officers from the Council’s Environmental Management Department visited the play area to discuss new disabled access equipment.

·           Broad Lane – bollards have been installed to prevent speeding vehicles crashing into householder’s fences.

·           Fostering – request put out to residents who are interested in fostering children as there is a desperate need for places.

·           Environmental Charge-hands – two new positions have recently been staffed which will benefit the area.

·           Grafton Street Community Garden – Councillors have been working with Rochdale Boroughwide Housing and residents on this project which will also be a future ‘In Bloom’ project.

·           Rochdale In Bloom – Moss Street Youth Centre and The Medina Mosque representatives recently took part in this competition.

·           Rat issues – Public Health representatives have recently been out and about in the ward in an attempt to tackle this persistent problem.

·           Kingsway Retail Park – Council services are addressing issues regarding litter at this location.

·           St Mary’s Close – gates and fencing erected to prevent access and anti-social behaviour occurrences on the land.  Access will still be available for grass cutting.

·           Signage – Councillor Ali has been addressing signage problems around the ward.

·           Street surgeries – Councillors have been assisting older residents with pension credit and benefit issues.


Date and time of the next meeting


Monday 21 November 2022 at 6.30pm
Newbold Community Church, Milnrow Road, Rochdale