Agenda and minutes

Venue: Newbold Community Church, Milnrow Road, Rochdale OL16 5DW. View directions

Contact: Rachel Hudson - Tel: 01706 924343 

No. Item


Introductions and Apologies/Code of Conduct pdf icon PDF 15 KB


The chair welcomed all in attendance to the meeting and apologies were noted.  Attention was drawn to the code of conduct, a summary of which was read out.  All attendees were asked to abide by the code for the duration of the meeting.


Minutes from the last meeting/updates pdf icon PDF 118 KB


The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed and the followingupdates were provided.

Prince Street/Franklin Street junction lineage
Residents previously requested the faded white lineage on the junction of Prince Street onto Franklin Street is refreshed as traffic does not stop at the junction.  This matter has not been rectified in the interim.
Action: Townships to raise the request again with the Council’s Highways Department.

Crown Street and Percy Street – Access blocked to properties
A resident previously stated the alleyway is sometimes blocked for other residents.  Councillor Ahmed had advised works to tarmac the alleyway will be completed in October, however, this matter has still not been actioned.
Action: Townships to raise the request with the Council’s Highways Department.


Greater Manchester Police - PACT meeting


Sgt Mason contacted the Township Officer immediately prior to the start of the forum to advise officers were unable to attend this evening due to an emergency, as there had been a serious road traffic accident in the Town Centre.

Residents were urged to report any information whatsoever via the usual channels including that of Crimestoppers so that officers can use the intelligence to build a full picture and assign adequate resources to tackle the issues.

Always call 999 in an emergency.
Call 101 to report incidents, crimes and matter of concerns.
You can report a crime or incident or suspicious circumstances online on the GMP website.


Open Forum


Fly tipping
An officer from the Council’s Environmental Management Department was in attendance at the forum to answer any queries or concerns raised by residents.  Residents were informed of a walk round that took place this week with Ward Councillors and officers from the Council’s Environmental Management Department to address the ongoing issues in the ward.

Residents commented on the high incidences of fly tipped waste in and around the ward, in particular the areas of Crown Street, Elder Street, Prince Street and Count Street.  They were advised that the Council deploy their ‘hit teams’ to collect items on a daily basis.  Some of the fly tipped waste may be items put out by residents early for the Council’s free bulky waste initiative, whereby it is stipulated that the items must be placed outside on the day of agreed collection.  It was also reported that abandoned contaminated bins remain an issue around the ward.

The Chair enquired whether covert CCTV cameras could be used to track offenders.  The Environmental Management Officer advised that the department only have one CCTV camera and not all lighting columns are compatible to house it.  Also the Chair queried whether more prosecutions of offenders could be reported in the press in order to deter others.
Action: Environmental Management Officer to raise the query about more prosecutions of offenders being reported in the press as a deterrent with the Council’s Waste Manager.

Robinson’s Common
There has been a recent theft of several gates around the Kingsway Ward; four of the gates from the Robinson’s Common play pitch.  Ward Councillors requested that the matter is raised with the Environmental Management Department to ensure the thefts were reported to GMP so that an investigation can take place.
Action: Environmental Management Officer to raise the matter with the Council’s Play Areas Manager.

Prince Street/Count Street traffic issues
Residents in attendance reported issues concerning traffic accessing the one-way system the wrong way and rat-running.  Ward Councillors requested the matter be escalated to the Council’s Highways Department as double yellow lines need painting in this area.
Action: Townships to raise the request with the Council’s Highways Department.


Members/Ward Funds


Any residents or organisations wishing to put forward any initiatives or ideas of improvements which would benefit the community and ward of Kingsway to speak to the Ward Councillors or Township Officer with regards to funding.


Ward News


Councillor Massey updated the forum on behalf of the local Ward Councillors:


·           Gyratory system near Kings Bingo has been escalated via the Council’s Highways Officers to the Department of Transport in order to revise the lineage as it causes problems for road users.

·           Milnrow Road footpath (left hand side) will be resurfaced in the near future and also the area near to the junction of Bertha Road will be assessed for the introduction of a possible speed reduction island measure to slow the flow of traffic.

·           Bertha Road and Rosefield Crescent speed limit will be reduced to 20mph.

·           Small trees have been removed and footpaths resurfaced in the areas of Turf Hill, Buxton Crescent and Ansdell Road to make it easier for foot traffic.

·           Percy Street and Kings Road resurfacing has been chased up with the Council’s Highways Department.

·           A walk round took place this week with Ward Councillors and officers from the Council’s Environmental Management Department to address the ongoing issues in the ward with regards to fly tipping, littering and the general untidiness of certain areas.


Date and time of the next meeting


Monday 13 March 2023 at 6.30pm
Newbold Community Church, Milnrow Road, Rochdale