Agenda and minutes

Venue: Newbold Community Church, Milnrow Road, Rochdale OL16 5DW. View directions

Contact: Rachel Hudson - Tel: 01706 924343 

No. Item


Introductions and Apologies/Code of Conduct pdf icon PDF 15 KB


The chair welcomed all in attendance to the meeting and apologies were noted.  Attention was drawn to the code of conduct, a summary of which was read out.  All attendees were asked to abide by the code for the duration of the meeting.


Minutes from the last meeting/updates pdf icon PDF 95 KB


The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed and the followingupdates were provided.

Prince Street/Franklin Street junction lineage
Residents previously requested the faded white lineage on the junction of Prince Street onto Franklin Street is refreshed.  Works are now complete.

Crown Street and Percy Street – Access blocked to properties
Residents stated the alleyway is sometimes blocked.  It has now been tarmacked to assist easy access.

Robinson’s Common
After the recent theft of four gates from the Robinson’s Common play pitch, the Environmental Management Department have ensured the theft was reported to GMP and replacements ordered.

Prince Street/Count Street traffic issues
Residents had reported issues concerning traffic accessing the one-way system the wrong way and rat-running.  The double yellow lines have now been repainted in this area to resolve the problem.


Greater Manchester Police - PACT meeting


Officers sent apologies as they were unable to attend this evening due to a change in their area coverage and rota.

Always call 999 in an emergency.
Call 101 to report incidents, crimes and matter of concerns.
You can report a crime or incident or suspicious circumstances online on the GMP website.


Open Forum


Bin collections – Kingsway Ward
Residents commented that the bin collections were missed in the Kingsway area last Friday when the weather was severe with the rapid snow fall that day.  Councillor Ahmed said the Council’s Environmental Management Department were aware of the situation and they will be collecting the missed waste – which was the recycling and usual brown garden waste bins week - as part of this week’s collection round.

Bin collections – Penistone Avenue
A resident reported the bins in the Penistone Avenue area are regularly missed and this issue was probably due to the dense parked cars in that area.
Action: Townships to raise the issue with the Council’s Environmental Management Department

Dog fouling
A resident expressed concerns about the dog fouling around the Percy Street and the Crown Street/Sandfield Street areas.
Action: Townships to raise the issue with the Council’s Environmental Management Department

Percy Street alleyway waste
A resident commented on the rubbish left within the alleyway at Percy Street.
Action: Townships to raise the issue with the Council’s Environmental Management Department

Milnrow Road speeding
A highway island is being installed on Milnrow Road as a speed reduction measure, but residents reported speeding and requested GMP do another community speed check in this area in the future.
Action: Townships to raise the issue/request with GMP

Crawford Street potholes
Resident advised potholes on Crawford Street need inspection and attention.
Action: Townships to raise the issue with the Council’s Highways Department


Members/Ward Funds


Residents were advised that the current Township funding has now all been committed for this financial year and the new budgets will be agreed and available by June/July 2023.

A request was made for bollards to be installed to the side of Prince Street in order to deter off-road bikes accessing the area.  Councillor Ahmed requested a costing for two bollards is made in readiness.
Action: Townships to raise the issue with the Council’s Highways Department


Ward News


Councillor Massey updated the forum on the work carried out recently on behalf of the local Ward Councillors as follows:


·           Ward Councillors have been assisting residents with their planning queries.

·           Bertha Road, Rosefield Crescent and Margaret Avenue have had 20 mph speed restriction humps installed.

·           A highway island is being installed on Milnrow Road as a speed reduction measure.

·           Several highway walk-arounds have been completed by Ward Councillors covering the areas of Kings Road, Percy Street, Rathbone Street, Palatine Street and Channing Square – where resurfacing works have recently been completed.

·           The Council’s Environmental Management Officers have assisted the issues reported with Biffa bins and local takeaways, issuing appropriate notices to ensure areas are kept clean.

·           A crash damaged, abandoned car was removed by GMP from the Ryelands Close area.

·           Plans for the new play area at Robinson’s Common are in the development stage with an additional piece of equipment planned for disabled children.

·           Grafton Street Community Garden plans are in further development with a gated-off section planned especially for growing food.

·           Ward Councillors have received lots of communications from parents regarding school places.

·           Channing/Moss Street TRO – speed restriction/double yellow line plans have now been advertised.

·           Councillor Massey has donated litter picking kits to the eco team at Sacred Heart Primary School and helped pick litter at the school.


Date and time of the next meeting


To be confirmed.