Agenda and minutes

Venue: Newbold Community Church, Milnrow Road, Rochdale OL16 5DW. View directions

Contact: Rachel Hudson - Tel: 01706 924343 

No. Item


Introductions and Apologies/Code of Conduct pdf icon PDF 15 KB


The chair welcomed all in attendance to the meeting and apologies were noted.  Attention was drawn to the code of conduct, a summary of which was read out.  All attendees were asked to abide by the code for the duration of the meeting.


Terms of Reference


Attention was drawn to the addition of the Terms of Reference document for all non-constituted local area forums in the Rochdale area.  The purpose, objectives, powers etc detailed within the document were discussed.


Minutes from the last meeting/updates pdf icon PDF 91 KB


The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed and the followingupdates were provided.

Bin collections – Penistone Avenue
A resident previously reported bins were regularly missed.  Townships raised the issue with the Council’s Environmental Management Department.

Dog fouling
A resident expressed concerns about dog fouling around the Percy Street and the Crown Street/Sandfield Street areas at the last meeting.  The resident was in attendance again and confirmed that this issue is now resolved.

Percy Street alleyway waste
A resident previously reported rubbish left within the alleyway at Percy Street which has now been removed.

Milnrow Road speeding
Residents reported speeding in this area at the last meeting.  Townships emailed officers at GMP to request they carry out another community speed check in the area in future.

Crawford Street potholes
A resident advised potholes on Crawford Street need inspection and attention.  Council Officers met with Councillors on site and they are looking at works to resolve the issues.

Prince Street bollard request
A request was made at the last meeting for a bollard to be installed to the side of Prince Street in order to deter off-road bikes accessing the area.  Funds for a bollard were agreed at the Township Committee and the works will commence soon.


Greater Manchester Police - PACT meeting


Officers from GMP were not in attendance at the meeting.  Townships informed residents of the new ‘Bee in the Loop’ initiative by GMP which is a messaging service, in addition to their social media channels, to communicate with residents/businesses in each area regarding incidents/emergencies, to pass on crime prevention advice and to help shape local priorities for GMP Officers to concentrate on.  Residents can sign-up to it via the website

Always call 999 in an emergency.
Call 101 to report incidents, crimes and matter of concerns.
You can report a crime or incident or suspicious circumstances online on the GMP website.


Open Forum


Prince Street – Quad bike causing access issues for wheelie bins
Residents reported a quad bike blocking the gated alleyway and causing issues concerning accessing/moving wheelie bins.
Action: Township to forward matter to Environmental Management Enforcement Officer to speak with the resident

Percy Street anti-social behaviour
Residents reported threatening anti-social behaviour from another resident.
Action: Township to forward matter to the Council’s Community Safety Officer and GMP

Dangerous dogs
Councillor Ahmed asked for information to be included in the minutes of how residents can escalate any concerns regarding dangerous dogs, after a dog was shot in the Roland Court area last week;


The police should be contacted concerning dangerous or banned breed dogs
Where there is concern that a dog is dangerously out of control, ie acting dangerously or aggressively, and there is concern that it might injure a person, this is against the law.  A person found guilty of being in charge of a dangerously out of control dog can be fined in court and/or receive a penalty of up to two years’ imprisonment.  The law relating to dogs that are dangerously out of control applies everywhere the general public is allowed to go and anywhere a dog goes where it is not supposed to be.

In addition, there are 4 specific types of dog that the law refers to as ‘dangerous dogs’ or ‘section 1 dogs’ and these types of dogs are banned.  In the UK, the following dogs are banned; Pit Bull Terrier, Japanese Tosa, Dogo Argentino and Fila Brasileiro.  Whether a dog is a banned type depends on what it looks like, rather than its breed or name.  It is against the law to own, breed from, sell, give away or abandon any banned dog, and the police may seize a dog if they think it is a banned type.  The maximum penalty for possessing a banned dog is a fine of £5,000, or six months’ imprisonment, or both.

In some instances, banned breed dogs can be exempted if the court has determined it is not a danger to the public.  In this instance it will be put on the Index of Exempt dogs and an owner can keep it but there will be a list of conditions that must be followed (eg muzzled, always on a lead when walked, etc).

The local authority should be contacted where a dog is causing a nuisance or appears to be a stray
The local authority is responsible for the collection of stray dogs.  A stray dog is a dog that is loose, without an owner, or roaming in a public place or a place where the dog is not allowed to be.

A stray dog can be reported directly to the Animal Wardens, who collect stray dogs on behalf of the Council by telephoning 0161 3340042.  The Animal Wardens will collect contained stray dogs 7 days a week, between 9am and 12 midnight.  The local authority will also send letters where they receive  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Members/Ward Funds


Residents were advised that the current Township funding for this financial year and the new budgets will be agreed and available by June/July.


Ward News


Councillor Massey updated the forum on the work carried out recently on behalf of the local Kingsway Ward Councillors as follows:


·           Ward Councillors have been assisting residents with fly-tipping issues all over the ward, erecting signage on Royds Street and Moss Mill Street.  Officers are working on a pilot scheme to prosecute perpetrators.

·           A site visit is arranged for Councillors and Council Officers from the Alley gates Team to address issues experienced by residents including locks, keys and conditions of the scheme.

·           Officers from the Council’s Environmental Management Department will be meeting with an Officer from the Guinness Partnership regarding refuse/bin issues in the area.

·           A salt bin will be installed on the corner of Elder Street.

·           Speed humps will be installed on Channing Street.

·           A tree stump situated on Turf Hill Road outside Kingsway Park High will be removed.

·           A barrier on Crawford Street, recently hit again, will be replaced in due course.

·           Weed spraying has been carried out in problematic areas within the ward.

·           The pelican crossing at Lower Place will be replaced.

·           Councillors have been working alongside Newbold Community Garden Project on new garden upgrades, including planters.

·           Councillor Massey has been working on the ‘Uniform for All’ project, based at Globe House, which assists families who cannot afford uniform items.  Volunteers are very welcome, as are donations.

·           Enforcement action has been taken on Charter Street and Watkin Street areas with regards to fly-tipping and abandoned cars.  This situation was assisted by GMP Officers.

·           A mural artwork painting project is being carried out under the bridges on Oldham Road at The Landing to improve the appearance of the area.  Next area for another mural to be installed may be Royds Street West.

·           The potholes on Moss Street have now been addressed and the pavement outside the Youth Centre is to be resurfaced in the future.  The street has also received a general clean-up.

·           Councillors thanked residents who voted in the recent local elections.  Councillor Shakil Ahmed has been appointed Deputy Mayor.

·           Councillors have requested more presence/visibility from GMP Officers in and around the ward.


Date and time of the next meeting


Tuesday 5 September 2023 at 6.30pm