Agenda and minutes

Venue: St Mary's (Balderstone) Church, Oldham Road, Rochdale OL11 2HB. View directions

Contact: Rachel Hudson - Tel: 01706 924343 

No. Item


Introductions and Apologies/Code of Conduct pdf icon PDF 15 KB


The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.  Attention was drawn to the code of conduct, a summary of which was read out.  All attendees were asked to abide by the code for the duration of the meeting.


Minutes of last meeting and matters arising pdf icon PDF 73 KB


The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed.

Updates from the previous meeting

Rochdale Boroughwide Housing (RBH) (Action 1)
New contact for RBH is Phillip Worthington.

Broad Lane and Shaw Road speed surveys (Action 2)
Results of the speed surveys were made available at the meeting.

Springhill Playing Fields (Action 3)
Councillor Meredith will be meeting this week with Council Directors and Legal Officers to obtain a formal response.

Grit bin criteria (Action 4)
Highways advised the criteria has been removed from the policy document and therefore any requests now need to be supported and funded by Ward Councillors

Hill Top Drive overhanging branches (Action 5)
Meredith had previously raised this matter with RBH and he was advised that they cannot proceed with enforcement action.  Residents queried this response with Phillip Worthington who agreed to make enquiries and report back at the next meeting.
Action 1: RBH Officer to investigate response previously given concerning
Hill Top Drive overhanging branches


PACT Meeting - Greater Manchester Police


Crime statistics for the ward (since last forum in March)


Anti-social behaviour


Criminal damage


Burglary dwelling


Theft from motor vehicle


Theft of motor vehicle



PACT priorities
ASB issues in Balderstone Park
Drug dealing

Anti-social behaviour
GMP discussed recent incidents involving children throwing stones from Balderstone Park and also wheelie bins being set on fire.  The Council’s Community Safety Officer stated they were working closely with GMP and Rochdale Boroughwide Housing to tackle this issue.  GMP are liaising with Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue on increasing patrols and visiting children in schools.

The annual ‘Safe for Summer’ event organisers will meet on 30 May 2019 for this borough wide project.  GMP has secured funding from monies previously seized under the proceeds of crime act which they intend to spend on activities involving children in the ward.

‘Operation Considerate’ – a speeding operation carried out by GMP, was commenced in the area but had to be abandoned due to Officers from the Traffic Unit being called away to deal with other priorities.  This initiative will be organised again to check and seize offending vehicles for speeding and related offences regarding their vehicles.

The results of the recent speed survey carried out at nine locations across the wards of Balderstone & Kirkholt and Kingsway showed that the majority of drivers are abiding by the speed limits and only a handful of ‘rogue’ drivers do not.

GMP Officers intend to acquire the relevant kit and training used by the Traffic Officers in order to use the ANPR (advanced number plate recognition) in order to catch offending vehicles.

GMP had received several complaints of burglary recently from concerned residents from the new estate Apple Tree Way, off Broad Lane.  Criminals from out of the area can often target one specific housing estate in an evening, and then the next night completely move elsewhere in order to evade detection from the Police.  These types of criminals are thought to be using vulnerable youths from the area in order to commit such crimes.  GMP have set up a unit to prevent this situation from happening with early intervention for children and youths who may be vulnerable and have safe-guarding issues.  Burglaries are classed as priority by GMP due to the effect on the local residents and community.

Catalytic converter theft
A recent spate of thefts of catalytic converters from vehicles has occurred in the area due to the components being worth a high scrap value.  The Honda ‘Jazz’ model (in particular years 2004-2009) is the main target and residents are being asked to be vigilant.

Recent graffiti in the ward was discussed with residents and also the Council’s Community Co-ordinator attending the forum.  Advice was given that although it was deemed a political statement, no obvious connections could be made with the area and it was therefore seen as an isolated incident.  It was noted that there was still evidence of the graffiti on the notice board  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


Ward Fund


Funding streams/amounts available will be decided at the first Township Committee next month and details reported to the next Balderstone & Kirkholt Community Meeting, together with information about expenditure in 2018-19 for both Ward and Members Funds.


Open Forum


Fly tipping
A resident complained about fly tipped BT equipment (empty drums) located at the bottom of Greenfield Street (past the Nursery) and also located on the path leading onto the trading estate.
Action 3: Townships to raise this matter with Environmental Management Department


Councillor Update


Councillor Nickson

·           Councillor Nickson advised the forum on her recent work carried out in support of dealing with vulnerable and excluded pupils in schools to ensure they have the adequate support needed to avert any future involvement in crime.

·           She has been volunteering for the soup kitchen in the town centre of Rochdale, which also assists vulnerable members of the community.

·           The new Dementia Unit set up at The Willows has benefitted from all three Ward Councillors’ time and funding.  There are plans for some integrated allotments intended for use by the patients and carers located near to the site, which may need further support.

·           Speed survey results were disappointing to receive.

·           Mayor Making will be held this month to welcome in the new Mayor Councillor Billy Sheerin.


Councillor Farnell

·           Councillor Farnell spoke about the spate of vandalism experienced recently at the site of the former shops at The Strand.  The hold up with the demolition has been down to United Utilities isolating services, but this situation should move forward soon and the site will be flattened so that RBH’s plans can commence.

·           He spoke about a recent visit to the new Community Hub on The Strand, in particular the ‘work room’ facility set up to assist residents with practical advice, training and clothing for interviews.

·           The sign for the newly built ‘Conrad Close’ is now in place - a tribute to the former soldier Conrad Cole of Rochdale.

·           The new builds by Gleeson’s on Hill Top Drive are being snapped up quickly, and it is good to see local people moving into new homes on the estate.

·           The recent Apple Tree Way burglary complaints have been very worrying to residents and Councillors and GMP are working closely with those involved.

·           The new Health Centre build is now commencing on the roundabout at The Strand.

·           Six new litter bins are available for the ward and residents are advised to contact the Councillors if they have any suggestions for locations.  One litter bin to be placed on Oldham Road outside Bargain Booze to alleviate litter issues in the area.

·           A meeting will be held soon regarding the new community room at Balderstone Park, the football fields and changing facilities and also the extension to the library.

·           Talks have been held between Officers at RBH and Groundwork Trust concerning the possible removal and clean-up of grass verges at Daventry Road and Queensway in order to smarten up the areas.

·           Residents are encouraged to report any fly tipping in the ward.

·           Recent expenditure for the ward included garden furniture for The Willows at approx. £3,000, Fieldway residents equipment £600 and Margaret Ward Court Shelter £800.  Defibrillators should soon be installed at both The Strand and the Shell Garage on Queensway.




Kirkholt Million

·      Grants are always available to community groups – speak to Kelly Dawson at the Hub for more information.

·      There has been recent works to Rhodes Crescent Ravine by Groundwork to develop the site.

·      International Food Festival event obtained good feedback and it was well received.

·      Swings are to be installed in the park for parents and children.

·      St Thomas’ Church will welcome two new Ministers in the summer.


Rochdale Boroughwide Housing (RBH)
Phillip Worthington, RBH Community Partnership Manager, introduced himself and he advised of his intention to attend future forums.  He is based at The Hub, The Strand, Kirkholt and he spoke about his main priorities of looking after communities throughout the borough, the Community Hub & Café and community training.

He advised there was still substantial space in The Hub for communities to use and any groups interested are welcome to contact RBH.  A quiz has been organised on 10 July 2019 at 4-7pm to give people the opportunity to socialise and look around The Hub’s facilities.  After reports of issues at the former units at The Strand, RBH have employed 24 hour security to monitor the situation moving forward until they are fully demolished.

A resident asked why The Pantry is only open to residents of RBH and not any other residents who reside in the area.  Phillip confirmed he will raise this query internally as although there is a cost for the service and it is at full capacity at present, RBH do not wish to place a division in the community.


Date and time of next meeting


Monday 16 Sept 2019 at 6.30pm
Venue: Kirkholt Community Church, Daventry Road, Rochdale.

Agendas and minutes of the meetings are available on the Council’s website under the heading of
‘Councillors and Committees’ and then ‘Agendas, reports and minutes’.