Agenda and minutes

Venue: Hollingworth (Room 108ABC), First Floor, Number One Riverside, Smith Street, Rochdale, OL16 1XU. View directions

Contact: Peter Thompson  Senior Committee Services Officer

No. Item



To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies were received from Councillors Hornby, Nickson and Wraighte.


Declarations of Interest

Members are required to declare any disclosable pecuniary, personal or personal and prejudicial interests they may have and the nature of those interests relating to items on this agenda and/or indicate if S106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.   


Declarations of interest were made as follows:


Councillor Rashid declared personal and prejudicial interests in the funding application from the Pakistani & Kashmiri Community Association and left the room during consideration of the application.


Appointment of Vice Chair

To appoint the Rochdale South Township Committee’s Vice Chair – 2021/2022



That Councillor Shakil Ahmed be appointed Vice-Chair of the Rochdale South Township Committee for 2021/2022.


Urgent Items of Business

To determine whether there are any additional items of business which, by reason of special circumstances, the Chair decides should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency.


The Chair updated the Committee on the following matters:-


           to note that Agenda Item 8 - Objection to Proposed Traffic Order, Waiting Restrictions, Back Drake Street, Rochdale is to be deferred to enable further time to look at the proposals;

           There was an additional funding application that had been accepted onto the Agenda (St Mary's Close access to playing fields) that was circulated to Members and published on the Council website on Monday;


Advance Notice of Agenda Items


That the following reports had been requested for the next meeting of the Committee:-

           Residents Parking Schemes;

           Rights of Way;


Minutes pdf icon PDF 192 KB

Members are requested to approve the Minutes of the Meeting held 16th February 2021.




That the minutes of the meeting of the Rochdale South Township Committee held on 16th February 2021 be approved and signed as a correct record.


Open Forum

Up to half an hour has been set aside for members of the public to raise issues of concern that affect the Township.


The following matter was raised as part of the Open Forum:


a)    Buersil Avenue – Speeding Traffic

Two residents from the Buersil Avenue area presented a petition about speeding traffic in the area and requesting that measures be taken to address the issues.

It was agreed that the matter be raised with Highways and Community Safety to see what could be done to address the issues that had been raised by the residents.


Castleton Station area Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) pdf icon PDF 183 KB

A draft Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), for the Castleton Station area to support the continued regeneration and renewal of the area.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the report of the Director of Economy which advised that as part of the Council’s Rail Corridor Regeneration Strategy, a draft Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) has been produced for the Castleton Station area to support the continued regeneration and renewal of the area by providing detailed planning and design advice. The report sought the views of the Committee on the content of the Draft SPD as part of a consultation along with key stakeholders.


The Committee noted that the consultation period was to be extended to enable a meeting of Castleton residents, stakeholders and Ward Councillors to take place so their views could be taken as part of the consultation process.



That the Castleton Station area Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) be noted.


Objection to Proposed Traffic Order, Waiting Restrictions, Back Drake Street, Rochdale pdf icon PDF 504 KB

To consider objections to a Traffic Regulation Order



That consideration of the Objection to Proposed Traffic Order Waiting Restrictions, Back Drake Street, Rochdale, be deferred until the next meeting of the Committee.


Rochdale South Township Delegation and Appointments 2021/2022 pdf icon PDF 140 KB

To approve the Committee’s delegation arrangements and appoint to various bodies – 2021/2022

Additional documents:


The Township Committee considered a report of the Director of Resources that requested that Members confirm their delegated decision making arrangements and make appointments to the Township Sub-Committees, including the Chairs, Vice Chairs and substitute members; the appointment of “lead” opposition spokespersons; and the appointment to other bodies.


Alternatives considered:


The Committee could choose not to appoint Sub-Committees and undertake all delegated functions themselves, however this could have a detrimental impact on the ability to progress Township priorities or to deal with urgent items of business. The Committee could also, if it chose to do so, adopt alternative Sub-Committee arrangements.




1.     The proposed Sub-Committee structure of the Rochdale South           Township Committee comprising of the Rochdale South Township Action and Resources Delegated Sub-Committee and the terms of reference, as outlined at Appendix 1 of the submitted report, be approved;


2. Members be appointed as follows: –


(a) Rochdale South Township Action and Resources Sub-Committee:

Councillors – Mohammed Zaman (Chair), Shakil Ahmed (Vice Chair), Wraighte

Ahmed, Sheerin, Meredith, Philip Massey, Rashid, Angela Smith, Sullivan and



Substitute Members - Councillors Daalat Ali, Brett, Nickson, Anstee and


The opposition spokesperson be Councillor Sullivan;


(b) The relevant Ward Councillors be appointed to attend their respective

Ward Forum;


(c) Rochdale Regeneration Group - Councillor Zaheer, Councillor Daalat Ali, Councillor Sheerin, Councillor Meredith, Councillor Sullivan


(d) Township Older Persons Champion – Councillor Zaman;


(e) Township Young Persons Champion – Councillor Meredith;


(f) Rochdale South Township Planning Panel – Councillor Brett, Councillor Daalat Ali, Councillor Rashid, Councillor Meredith, Councillor Anstee


(g) Road Safety Group – Councillor Shakil Ahmed, Councillor Zaman, Councillor Sheerin, Councillor Philip Massey, Councillor Angela Smith


(3) Any amendments to the appointments be delegated to the Chair, Vice Chair and Opposition Spokesperson of the Rochdale South Township Committee to determine.


Reasons for the decision:


The Council has established and appoints Township Committees that may exercise both executive and non-executive powers as set out in the Responsibility for Council Functions in Part 3 of the Constitution, which states that: appointments to Township Sub-Committees, Township Working Parties,

Partnership Arrangements and Local Outside Bodies shall be made at the first

meeting of the appropriate Township Committee in the new Municipal Year’.


The Sub-Committee exercises either delegated powers or acts on any matter

detailed in the Committee’s Terms of Reference on which it is essential to take a decision.

Eligible for call-in – no


The Committee adjourned for a short period at this point to enable those Members who had not been appointed to the Rochdale South Township Action and Resources Delegated Sub-Committee to leave the meeting.


The following Members remained:

Councillor Zaman (Chair), Councillor Shakil Ahmed (Vice Chair) Councillors Rashid, Zaheer, Meredith, Philip Massey, Angela Smith and Sullivan;

Councillor Anstee was present as an observer.


Rochdale South Township Funds Review pdf icon PDF 151 KB

A review of Rochdale South Township Funds 2020/2021

Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Neighbourhoods that asked Members to approve the Rochdale South Township Funds’ terms and conditions, and to agree delegation arrangements concerning funding decisions.


Alternatives considered:


In considering the report, the Committee’s Members were asked to decide

whether or not to approve the allocation of funds to funding streams and to

adopt appropriate terms and conditions.




1. The Committee notes the expenditure, commitments and balances for Rochdale South Township revenue and capital funds at financial year end 2019/20 (as outlined at Appendix 1 and 2 of the submitted report);


2. The Committee notes the findings of the review of Township Funds

2020/21 (as outlined at Appendix 3 of the submitted report);


3. The Committee approves the allocation of Rochdale South Township

Funds to funding streams in 2021/22 as follows:

·         Projects Fund (revenue) - £38529

·         Members Fund (revenue) - £30000

·         Ward Fund (revenue) - £40000

·         Capital Fund - £103831


4. The Committee approves the terms and conditions for Rochdale South

Township’s revenue and capital funds for 2021/22 (as described at

Appendix 6 of the submitted report).


5. The Committee authorises the delegation arrangements for Rochdale

South Township Funds 2021/22 as detailed at 4.6 of the submitted



6. The Committee authorises any uncommitted/unspent funds be reallocated to a central revenue or capital funding stream as appropriate before the end of January 2022 to enable Members to spend/commit all Rochdale Township Funds during 2021/22 financial year.


Reasons for the decision:


The management of the Rochdale South Township Fund is a matter that is

delegated to the Rochdale South Township Action and Resources Delegated

Sub Committee to determine. Rochdale South Township Funds are allocated

to projects that benefit the Township’s community and environment, and realise the Township priorities. The decision enables the Committee to monitor and review the use of the Rochdale South Township Funds to ensure

continued efficient and effective use of those funds.


Rochdale South Township Funds 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 140 KB

To consider applications for assistance from the Rochdale South Township Fund 2021/2022

Additional documents:


The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Director of Neighbourhoods which provided an update on revenue and capital expenditure, commitments and balances of Rochdale South Township Funds 2021/2022 and to enable the allocation of funds to proposed projects.


In considering the funding applications the Sub-Committee received oral representations from the applicant’s and/or their representatives, who were in attendance at the meeting.


Alternatives considered:

Members were asked to decide whether or not to approve the allocation of funds to projects/schemes as appropriate.



1.         That the expenditure, commitments and balances of the Rochdale South Township Funds 2022/22, as detailed in Appendices 1 and 2 of the submitted report be noted;

2.         That the decisions made under delegated authority as detailed in Appendix 3 of the submitted report be noted;

3.         That the Townships and Communities Manager, in consultation with the

Chair, Vice Chair and opposition spokesperson of the Sub-Committee, be given delegated authority to make decisions on any deferred projects;

4.         It be noted that the Townships and Communities Manager has assessed the proposed projects to be considered for funding against the criteria of eligibility for the Rochdale South Township Fund, the priorities of the Township and any specific risks have been identified in the report;

5.         That applications for Township Funds 2021/22 and be dealt with as follows:-




Project Name



Development and Learning Support

Allocation of £2,796.73 from Projects Fund


Community engagement cultural night

Allocation of the full amount requested minus the pro rata amount for food costs requested from Rochdale South Township from Projects Fund. Total allocation of £4,555.18


Mental health rejuvenation event

Allocation of £1365 from Projects Fund


Independence day event and participation workshops




Allocation of £1480 from Projects Fund


Muriel Street Dropped Kerbs

Allocation of £3000 from Capital Funds


Broadfield Park Feature Lighting

Allocation of £5581.28 from Capital Funds


Rochdale Sports Club Squash Court/Windows Refurbishment

Allocation of £2865.50 from Capital Funds


Bertha Road/Rosefield Crescent/Margaret Avenue traffic calming and pedestrian refuge traffic island on Milnrow Road

Allocation of £35,500 from Capital Funds


St Mary's Close access to playing fields

Allocation of  £5,193 from the Township’s Capital Fund and £1,000 from the Kingsway Ward Fund



Reasons for the decisions:

The management of the Rochdale South Township Fund is delegated to the Rochdale South Township Action and Resources Delegated Sub Committee.


Rochdale South Township Funds are allocated to projects that benefit the Township’s community and environment, and realise the Township priorities.


To enable the Sub-Committee to monitor and review the use of the Rochdale South Township Funds to ensure continued efficient and effective use of the funds.

Eligible for call in – Yes.