The purpose of the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny
Committee is:
To be the responsible Committee for scrutiny of
Townships generally; corporate service development and delivery;
for scrutiny of partnerships or key contractors (eg. Agilysis);
corporate performance monitoring; corporate financial monitoring
and the annual budget development consultation, and for overview of
the respective Portfolio Holders and Directors.
• To respond to
consultation by Cabinet on relevant policy development and
annual budget proposals.
• To scrutinise the
in-year performance of Council Services and other
bodies, in accordance with the Council’s
Performance Management Framework and
against approved Directorate Plans, where
• To scrutinise in-year
budget performance.
• To instigate the
appropriate action in response to adverse service
• To scrutinise
inspection reports and associated action plans produced by
agencies (where appropriate to this
• To review and
scrutinise executive decisions in accordance with the
Constitution, which have been called-in by Members
of the Council.
• To receive reports,
where appropriate, from the Council’s representatives on
outside bodies, and to direct representatives to report to the
Council, where appropriate.
• To commission, scope
and oversee studies and reviews relating to Council Services and
issues directly affecting the Borough and, where appropriate, to
recommendations to the Cabinet arising from such
studies and reviews.
• To
consider annual Service Plans in line with Council