The Health, Schools and Care Overview and Scrutiny
Committee is responsible for the Council’s health scrutiny
function; scrutiny of Health and Wellbeing (including scrutiny of
joint commissioning proposals arising between the Council and the
NHS with regard to health and social care arrangements); scrutiny
of partnerships and key contractors; Child and Adult Social Care;
Early Help and Schools; Safeguarding; and for overview of the
respective Cabinet Portfolio Holders and Directors.
The Terms of Reference of the Committee
are set out in Part 3, para 6.3, of the Rochdale Borough
Council’s Constitution: Constitution:
Part 3 – Responsibility for Functions
The overall operation of the
Council’s overview and scrutiny function is set out in Part
4E of the Council’s Constitution: Constitution
Part 4E: Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules
Become an Education Co-opted Health, Schools and Care Scrutiny
The Council is looking to
appoint to the following education co-opted member
(a) one Church of England
diocese representative
(b) one Roman Catholic diocese
(c) two parent governor
representatives and
(d) one representative of other
faiths or denominations
The Council is keen to hear
from residents that wish to be involved in this critically
important Council function. Co-opted
members will need to be available to attend evening meetings at
Number One Riverside.
further information about the Education Co-optee role, please see
this document:
Education Co-optee Further Information
If you are interested in the
position we would like to hear from you.
If you would like to discuss the role further please contact Janine
Jenkinson, Senior Governance and Committee Officer on 01706