Communities, Regeneration and Environment (CRE) Overview and
Scrutiny Committee brings together scrutiny of both the physical
and skills aspects of economic regeneration, and the supporting
work of services such as leisure, highways, housing, environmental
services etc, that provide the
opportunities for work and the improvement of life experiences for
all communities in the borough of Rochdale.
Terms of Reference of this committee can be found on Part 3 of the
Rochdale Borough Council’s Constitution:
Constitution: Part 3 – Responsibility for Functions
The way
Overview and Scrutiny operates within the wider Council’s
governance arrangements can be found in Part 4E of the
Constitution Part 4E: Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules
you have any questions about this committee, please contact Fabiola
Fuschi, Senior Governance and Committee Officer via email
or via telephone on 01706 924725