Inspector Partington (GMP) provided
the update with Sgt Hartley-Pickles and PCs Anderson and
Awais also in attendance. Inspector Partington
advised residents that the police team for the area is fully
staffed now and PCSO Pemberton is also back in work.
Speeding Traffic
The Inspector advised that
the previous issues raised regarding Keswick Street in terms of
vehicles accessing the one-way system incorrectly and speeding,
etc are very hard for officers to be
onsite in the area 24/7 to witness and enforce. The neighbourhood team will do their best to pursue
offenders when out and about in the area as best they can.
There are plans for some targeted speed
operations towards the end of this month and updates on statistics
will be uploaded to Bee in the Loop afterwards. A resident requested an operation is conducted by
GMP specifically in the area of the speeding loop being taken by
some offenders, that being Manchester Road – Slattocks – A627(M) – Queensway, as it
is a regular occurrence to witness in the area.
Off road motorbikes and quads were again raised as an issue on the
roads and the Inspector again advised that GMP are working with the
Council on the process to apply for a Public Space Protection Order
to cover the whole of the Rochdale Borough which will enable them
to enforce and issue fixed penalty tickets to offenders.
Officers have previously had certain
areas of concern brought to their attention via Crimestoppers, residents and Councillors and as a
result there will be two targeted operations carried out this month
in an attempt to tackle these issues using the intelligence
received. Residents are urged to either
email the neighbourhood beat officer with any further intelligence,
including dates, times and registration details of incidents
witnessed or ring Crimestoppers with
information which could support officers in their attempts to issue
warrants and seize the necessary individuals involved in this
Anti-social behaviour
Current statistics as
reported to GMP do not depict there to be an issue in the ward of
Castleton with regards to anti-social behaviour. There had been reports of issues at the playground
situated on Heywood Road and as a result this area will be
incorporated as part of a routine patrol now. By way of an explanation the Inspector added that
statistics tend to increase in numbers due to the summer holiday
period and will now settle back down that the schools are back
Statistics reported in the period of 1 June – 31 August
2023 are as follows:
Residential burglaries – 7 reported – reduction of 53%
on same period last year
Commercial burglaries – 4 reported – increase on last
year’s figures
Personal robberies – none reported – this figure was 3
in the last period
Business robberies – none reported
Vehicle crime – 21 reported – figure reported last time
was 34 therefore a 40% reduction
Queries raised to officers included the
lack of visibility of officers on patrol in the village to which
the Inspector requested a chance for the new members of staff to
start patrols once again and increase visibility. It was explained that neighbourhood officers rotas
do not provide 24/7 cover as response officers have. GMP urged residents to report everything they feel
relevant in their attempts to tackle crime, as the more evidence
that is built up, the more resources can be applied.
A resident raised concerns regarding youths witnessed standing on
roofs and abusing residents in the Keswick Street/Moorpark Avenue
areas and they were prompted by officers to report all incidents
witnessed. A resident stated there were
regular reports of drivers ignoring the three no entry signs on
Smalley Street in order to avoid the road works, particularly
around 4-6pm every day and a request was made for officers to up
their patrols. Similar issues were
reported in the areas of Heywood Road and Beswick Street with regards to traffic
Councillor Sheerin thanked GMP for their attendance at the
‘Bee in the
Cards were distributed
to residents in attendance for this new initiative by GMP which is
a messaging service, in addition to their social media channels, to
communicate with residents/businesses in each area regarding
incidents/emergencies, to pass on crime prevention advice and to
help shape local priorities for officers to concentrate
on. Residents can sign up to it via the
website www.beeintheloop.co.uk