Castleton Bee Network
The matter was discussed by
residents in attendance at the area forum again, and an officer was
present from the Council’s Highways Department to answer all
queries raised.
Residents reported wrongly signed bus stops situated near Tesco and
the former Castleton Post Office for the No 17 bus route.
The Highways Officer advised this is a
matter for TfGM and not the Council, but he could pass on any
complaints that were forwarded to him accordingly;
Alex Whittaker on 01706 924534 or
Residents again discussed the one way
system on Keswick Street, stating coaches are still struggling to
get through to the rugby club due to parked cars, etc. The Highways Officer advised the Council’s
Highways Department are looking into the possibility of using small
sections of double yellow lined areas to alleviate the congestion
and he advised there will be an extra 20 car parking spaces made
available with the future re-lining works of the Castleton
Community Centre car park.
A discussion was held regarding issues at the junction with refuse
vehicles, coaches and trucks, etc
exiting on to the main road and having to swing-out into the
traffic to make the turn. The Highways
Officer advised that all new road schemes are consulted on and
agreed prior to the works commencing with the Traffic Unit, formal
Road Safety Auditors and the emergency services. Signals at the junctions will alleviate the issues
when they are activated in the near future.
A query was raised about the lack of disabled parking facilities on
Manchester Road to which the Highways Officer advised that there is
still availability on side streets, at Durban Street car park and
disabled users can park on double yellow lines for up to three
hours when displaying an approved disabled badge. Concerns were further raised stating shop workers
park their vehicles in these areas prohibiting customers from
accessing these spaces. The Highways
Officer advised they had sent out leaflets to local businesses to
encourage their employees to use the car parks facility.
A question was asked as to when will
works start to the new car park facility on Railway Approach and
the forum was update that this will commence in November.
All junctions and crossings associated
with the scheme will also be activated from November and temporary
traffic lights will then be removed.
Castleton Sidings - proposed housing
In response to
previous queries from residents regarding the proposed access roads
in/out of this housing development, the Highways Officer advised
the forum that the Council’s Highways Department have
escalated their concerns at length with the developer, requesting
they amend their proposals. A query was
raised by a resident as to whether local infrastructure will be
increased due to the extra volume of residents and whether there
will be a public planning consultation in future, to which the
Highways Officer stated the Council’s Highways Department can
endeavour to look into this issue with the Planning
Royle Barn Road potholes
A resident raised a query regarding potholes on
Royle Barn Road.
Action: Highways Officer to escalate this matter to the
Council’s Highways Maintenance Service