To consider the Adult, Children and Public Health Directorate Plans 2024-25 - Quarter 1 Performance Update.
Consideration was given to a report which set out progress
towards achievement of targets contained within the Adult Care,
Children’s Services and Public Health Directorate Plans
2024-25, as at the end of Quarter 1
(1st April – 30th June 2024).
Adult Care Directorate Plan 2024-25
It was noted that all (11) actions were currently ongoing.
The development of a co-production charter was underway. Six co-production networks had been established. Five of the six networks had held their first network session and some had held a second session. Monthly monitoring meetings were in place with each host and a Co-production and Engagement Officer. A co-production event had been planned for 2nd July 2024 with network hosts. The Co-Production Charter was awaiting completion; a launch date would be confirmed once the document had been signed off.
The Director of Health and Care Integration reported that further to feedback from the co-production network, the Council’s Leadership Team were reflecting on the process and expectations of co-production.
In relation to Ref. ASC2401.A Develop an Adult Social Care savings and efficiency programme, due for completion on 30 April 2024, and currently showing as 75% complete – it was explained that a plan was in place and continual development work underway to ensure the Adult Social Care recovery plan was robust and deliverable. Work was being focused on the management of high cost placements – however, it was acknowledged that demand for services was beyond the control of service.
Children’s Services Directorate Plan 2024-25
The Assistant Director of Children’s Social Care introduced the Plan and reported that all (9) actions were currently ongoing.
In relation to Ref. CS2407.A - Implementation of SEND advice line it was confirmed that the line had gone live the week commencing 29th July 2024, and in the first few days, 14 calls had been received. Councillors welcomed the initiative and highlighted the importance of publicity being distributed across the borough.
In relation to Ref. CS2405.B Ensure sufficient early years and child care provision – it was explained that applications for wraparound expansion were being reviewed. The importance of wraparound 8am – 6pm provision was highlighted.
Further details were requested in relation to CS2406.B - Delivery of the Free School programme – the Assistant Director of Children’s Social Care agreed to circulate an update to the Committee.
Public Health Directorate Plan 2024-25
The Assistant Director Public Health and Communities introduced the Plan and reported that all (4) actions were currently ongoing and on track to be completed by the target dates.
In relation to the programme to increase accessibility and community engagement, improve the uptake of HPV vaccine – the Assistant Director agreed to circulate data information to the Committee.
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