The purpose of the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee is:
To be the responsible Committee for scrutiny of Townships generally; corporate service development and delivery; for scrutiny of partnerships or key contractors (eg. Agilysis); corporate performance monitoring; corporate financial monitoring and the annual budget development consultation, and for overview of the respective Portfolio Holders and Directors.
• To respond to consultation by Cabinet on relevant policy development and the
annual budget proposals.
• To scrutinise the in-year performance of Council Services and other appropriate
bodies, in accordance with the Council’s Performance Management Framework and
against approved Directorate Plans, where appropriate.
• To scrutinise in-year budget performance.
• To instigate the appropriate action in response to adverse service performance.
• To scrutinise inspection reports and associated action plans produced by external
agencies (where appropriate to this Committee).
• To review and scrutinise executive decisions in accordance with the Council’s
Constitution, which have been called-in by Members of the Council.
• To receive reports, where appropriate, from the Council’s representatives on outside bodies, and to direct representatives to report to the Council, where appropriate.
• To commission, scope and oversee studies and reviews relating to Council Services and issues directly affecting the Borough and, where appropriate, to make
recommendations to the Cabinet arising from such studies and reviews.
• To consider annual Service Plans in line with Council Policy.
Support officer: Governance and Committee Services.
Postal address:
Number One Riverside
Smith Street
OL16 1XU
Phone: 01706 924872