Issue details

Upgrade to Bridleway definitive footpath RocEFp13a from Northdene Drive to Bury Road Rochdale

To seek authorization from Committee Members to proceed with a legal order under section 53(2) Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 to upgrade a definitive footpath running from Northdene Drive to Bury Road, Rochdale to Bridleway.

As part of that order should the Council receive relevant objections that cannot be resolved refer the matter to the Secretary of State for a decision. If none are received the Council proceed with the order to completion.

In the event of a successful order to undertake a map Modification order to modify the definitive map and statement to show the route as a bridleway.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: For Determination

Wards affected: Bamford;

Decision due: 10 Oct 2018 by Rochdale North Township Committee

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods, Community & Culture

Lead director: Director of Neighbourhoods

Contact: Julie Simpson Email:

Agenda items


  • Upgrade to Bridleway definitive footpath RocEFp13a from Northdene Drive to Bury Road Rochdale