Rochdale Borough Council
Councillors and elections
Councillors and committees
> List outside bodies
Outside bodies
Joint Authority Meetings
Asylum Seekers Board
Corporate Issues & Reform Overview & Scrutiny
GM Waste Disposal and Regulation Authority
Greater Manchester Combined Authority
Greater Manchester Health Scrutiny Committee
Greater Manchester Pensions Fund Management Panel
Greater Manchester Police and Crime Panel
Greater Manchester Reform Committee
Greater Manchester Waste Disposal & Regulation Authority
Health and Social Care Partnership Board
Housing, Planning & Environment Overview & Scrutiny
NW European Programmes Local Management Committee
NW Regional Flood and Coastal Committee
Statutory Functions Committee
Transport for Greater Manchester Committee
Appointed by the Council
Adoption Panel
Board of Pennine Care Trust
Denehurst Park (Rochdale) Ltd
East Lancashire Railway Trust
Fostering Panel
General Assembly of the University of Manchester
Greater Manchester Forest Partnership
Greater Manchester Health & Wellbeing Board
Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Authority Ring & Ride Steering Group
Groundwork Trust for Rochdale and Oldham
Healey Dell Joint Management Committee
Herbert Norcross Scholarship Fund
Heritage Trust for the North West
Joint Committee for Strategic Procurement
Joint Committee of England and Wales for the Civil Enforcement of Parking and Traffic Regulations Outside
Joint Scrutiny Committee for Pennine Acute Hospitals Trust
Joint Scrutiny Committee for Pennine Care Trust
Local Government Association General Assembly
Manchester Area Pollution Advisory Council
North West Local Authorities Employers Organisation
North West Regional Association of Education Authorities
Pennines Prospects Board
Police and Crime Steering Group
Reserve Forces and Cadets Association
Rochdale & District Blind Society
Rochdale Borough Multi Agency Racial Harassment Forum
Rochdale Boroughwide Housing Board of Directors
Rochdale Chamber of Commerce Local Council
Rochdale Development Agency
Rochdale Foster Care Association
Rochdale Housing Initiative
Rochdale Safer Communities Partnership
Rochdale Shop Mobility Executive Committee
Rochdale Town Centre Management Company
Township Sub Groups
Brentwood Day Centre
Friends of Truffet Park Working Group
Langley Estate Strategy group
Middleton Children & Young People's Working Party
Middleton Culture, Leisure and Tourism Working party
Middleton Environment Group
Middleton Heritage Board
Middleton Regeneration and Transport Working Party
Middleton Safer Communities TTG
Middleton Supporting People Elected Members Consultative Group
Middleton Town Centre Management Company and Middleton Market Company