Title: Shadow Portfolio Holder for Finance and Growth
Party: The Conservative Party
Ward: Norden
Other councillors representing this Ward:
Second Saturday of each month (one or two obvious dates excluded)
10.00 – 10.45 a.m. St Pauls Parish Hall, Blackpits Lane, Norden
11:00-11:45am at Jericho Methodist Church Hall, Elbut Lane, Birtle (please check with the Councillor before attending)
7-8pm second Thursday of month at St Vincent ‘s Church Hall, Caldershaw Road, Rochdale
There is a private room available at each venue
Home address:
29 Springbank Lane
OL11 5SE
Bus. phone: 07971 462846
Bus. email: michael.holly@rochdale.gov.uk
Download Councillor Michael Holly contact details as VCard