Title: Chair of Employment and Equalities Committee
Party: Labour and Co-operative
Ward: Central Rochdale
Other councillors representing this Ward:
1st Wednesday of each month
11am - 12 pm
Wardleworth Comunity Centre
South Street
OL16 2EP
2nd Wednesday of each month
11am - 12 pm
BACP Community Centre
108 Ramsey Street
OL16 2EZ
3rd Wednesday of each month
(Women only )
11 am - 12 pm
Rochdale Womens Welfare Association
18 Trafalgar Street
OL16 2EB
4th Wednesday of each month
11 am -12 pm
KYP Apna Ghar
Belfield road
OL16 2UP
Correspondence address:
Governance Services
Floor 2, Number One Riverside
Smith Street
OL16 1XU
Bus. phone: 01706 924890
Email: Sameena.Zaheer@rochdale.gov.uk
Download Councillor Sameena Zaheer contact details as VCard